Friday, April 13, 2012

Love Hurts

Love DOES hurt.  It just doesn't hurt in the ways people occassionally fantasize that it does.  Love is TRUTH and the TRUTH hurts.  Love forces us to see ourselves...face ourselves.  Love causes us to change and deepen and evolve and grow.  If any of those conditions do not exist or are not happening, then I am SORRY to have to tell you this but whatever it is you are living is NOT Love.  It may have droplets of love somewhere within it but love that encompasses, surrounds and fulfills...this Love can only exist when we Fully Actualize our Truth.

A man needs a woman.  A man literally exists and does so for the need of the woman.  A woman exists for the need of the man.  The two polarizing opposites require one another.  They cannot just connect instantly like a negative and positive charge...NO!  They need Restriction, and Resistance. Think of the job a filament plays in the lightbulb...the positive charge is the energy while the negative charge is a vessel to collect the energy.  In order for this to work, the filament must refract...resist...and send that blast of raw energy back to its source!  The source and the vessel must be one.  They exist for each other!  They are nothing without each other.

With Twin Flames, the Love connection is very intense. Unlike the love of soulmates and karmic lovers, TF's have synchronicities that occur with great frequency...heightened sensitivities to the thoughts, feelings and experiences of the Twin and a deep understanding of the knowledge that they are together not only to satisfy themselves but for a service to humanity.  Their love has the capacity to heal other people and the Earth herself.  With Great Power...comes Great Responsibility.  The first responsibility is to answer the call.  When the representation of your Twin appears...even if it means turning your world must fearlessly go.

I understand this love because I have felt it.  No one is more aware of how difficult it can one.  I understand it and I share about it and I believe in it!  My Twin Flame and I share one soul in two bodies.  The bodies remaining separated are always in pain.  When together and reunited they are healthy and happy.  Apart, they are incomplete and searching.  My Twin and I share mental energy.  When one of us needs to focus on something really important, the other must sacrifice the energy.  We have learned to share it.  Together we are overcoming obstacles at a rate of speed that cannot be humanly is from the Divine.

LOVE is not fragile...but the heart can be fragile when it tries to contain all the love it can.  A vessel must always freely flow~Love must flow...freely...constantly.
The Twin Flame is not fragile or delicate but it is easily hurt by the sorrows of this world because in order to experience Twin Flame Love, you must have the ability to feel and sense these deeper nuances of energy.  The world, and the darker souls among it really want to injure the tender-hearted and so they create a veil that hides real love from view. Even the heart THIRSTY for love can sometimes be deceived or unable to recognize it.  The only way to hear is to listen with your heart.  The only way to feel it, is to feel in your soul.  The only way to believe is to TRUST and have faith.  The only way to be understood is to live the life. 

All life and all manifestations of love in any varying degree, is still love!  People need to be encouraged for showing even the smallest amount of love for their fellow man!  Every ounce counts.

Love Everyone and Be Blessed,


1 comment:

  1. I would like to clarify a statement from the body of the article...

    Where I reference the Man and the Woman: I am referring not necessarily to the physical sexes of the body but to the polarizing opposites of feminine and masculine. So therefore, if you are a homosexual couple, you can identify that one body holds the feminine charge and one the masculine.
