Sunday, April 22, 2012

Love Everyone. Pure and Simple

Good Day True-Lovers!  I trust you have been well.  I miss writing these Blogs and creating my video blogs (VLOGS).  But all things serve a purpose and some run their course.  My Blog will not end, but as I stated before I am working on a full-body work and also my life has been busy with myriad changes resulting from my new found understanding of the concepts I have been writing about and sharing about.

Our Purpose...ALL of us on this planet...Our purpose is to LOVE.  And we ought to be looking for ways to do so, more deeply all the time.  In what way can we better fill our purpose and calling?  Are we on the path of our True Destiny?  Are we living toward and within and for our Personal Legend?  What will be our Legacy when we are gone?  Will we ever really be gone?

If these are the questions we should be asking...and living in pursuit of, how many of my readers can honestly say they are living this?  I AM.  I am living my Personal Beliefs...I am living FULLY and completely in the LOVE of my Source and with GREAT AWARENESS of my purpose.  Decisions that must be made are harder then they appear to be, but they are essential.

For those of you who have followed by True-Love Blog since the start, you will observe that I started this blog February 13th, 2012.  I had begun studying concepts after my revelation of Synchronicities beginning on or about January 11th 2012.  I was literally STRUCK (as with lightning) by a revelation.  I immediately began to research about connectedness and humanity being one as a whole and not separate.  I researched SoulMates and learned about the Twin Flame and the Christ consciousness and 2012.  I searched my own heart during hours of mediation to determine if I felt that these answers made sense.  The universe responded by placing more people, books, information and opportunities in my path.

My Source (My God, My Spirit, My Light)...recognized that my heart was finally open.  I had become open and soft and ready and vulnerable and self-aware.  This was possibly the first time ever in my life, and so I felt very odd...nervous...emotional.  I spent a fair amount of time hiding in February.  I was embarrassed by my emotional outbursts.  Now I can see that I was becoming open and soft-hearted and ready to change.

That Inner voice told me to sit quietly and contemplate...and also to reach out and begin to make the necessary changes to live the life I was called to live and not the one I have settled for.  I have settled.  Many years ago I compromised and made concessions for another.  I should never have been asked to do so.  I should never have agreed.  But the Agreement I made was to lose myself for the sake of another person.  I did so with a pure heart (out of love for them) at first.  But as time passed, and the relationship did not equal my calling, I compromised repeatedly by staying. 

It is easy for women to do this...also men do this.  But as a woman, we feel that we are doing what is best for our child or children by staying "put".  In some cases, like mine, staying "kept".  The idea is outdated and serves no purpose now or into the future.  It took immense amounts of bravery on my part to decide I was going to leave.  And now I sit on the precipice, about to leave the life I have known many years.  This change is made easier by the fact that I am blessed with many people who love and support me.

But what made me know I was ready at last?  You must ask that question.  That question holds within it the only nugget of wisdom upon which to build anything.  That is the Cornerstone.  I knew, without a doubt, the moment I recognized that I had a purpose to fulfill.  It was never enough to be unhappy.  It was not  ever going to be enough had I found the perfect house or job to go to....and even another person could never be enough reason to turn your life upside down.  It had to be the PURPOSE.  My LEGACY.  My Destiny.  My Personal Legend.

Some of us...some humans on the planet right now...are being called to reconnect with their Twin Flames to elevate Humanity and to assist ushering in the new consciousness of Love and Peace to all. 

So I am choosing to share the real truth and not what I think is easier for most people to understand.  I have to assume that people WILL understand and some will understand sooner than others.  Many words that were written thousands of years ago were not understood then, but have great meaning for those of us living in 2012.  My writing may be that for future generations and therefore it must be accurate as I know it to be.  Our duty as human beings is to LOVE EVERYONE.

The role of Twin Flame Reunion is to increase the vibration of Love on the Planet!  What an amazing calling, right?  The Twin Lovers come together and by merely heeding the call to love each other, they can help heal the planet...the planet whose vibrational energy has become so depleted by war and chaos and hatred and the Ego of men, that she is literally dying.  The Twin Flames whose Souls are one can feel this very deeply and inexplicably.  They also feel each other inexplicably.  They share emotions, ideas, thoughts, timing of activities is synchronized, all core beliefs are identical.  In some cases they even have similar appearances.

Twin Flame Couples can often communicate by psychic means or simple eye contact.  Their understanding of the other is so deep that only ONE THING can potentially prevent them from coming together 100% and serving Humanity with their Love.  That one thing is EGO.  The ego of man tells him that such things do not exist.  The Ego of man has the whole of Humanity struggling under this idea of Duality Consciousness....He thinks, She thinks.  Two separate minds, two hearts, two souls.  When in actuality we are all connected to one another... and in the case of Twin Flames, their souls are the opposite polarity of one another.  One has the Masculine and one has the feminine but it is ONE SOUL in two bodies.

The Souls MUST learn to trust in each other 100% and surrender to their purpose.  Once they can do this, they see their lives change dramatically.  It almost seems irrational to the outside eye.  Suddenly, these two "halves" of the soul desire reconnection so deeply that they are unstoppable...excepting only for the ego.  If the Ego has control, the two can stay separated.  They will be miserable, but they can choose not to reconnect. 

 When you are reconnecting, You sometimes feel your world is being ripped apart.  So you must evaluate it:  What am I really losing here?  What is to be gained?  Remembering...there is a HIGHER PURPOSE. 

Now for those who are not in Twin Flame relationships, you may be in another SoulMate a marriage.  Whatever Love you cultivate heals the planet.  All love heals the planet.  All love brings us closer to our purpose so remember that in everything you do.  Do not give up when times are hard.  Do not turn away from some GOOD you can do for someone else right now.  Always take every opportunity to express and show and receive LOVE.  You are a very important part of the evolution of humanity happening RIGHT NOW.

I wish you all peace.  Go out there today and LOVE EVERYONE...and Be Blessed,


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