Saturday, February 25, 2012

Understanding "un"conditions


What is it?  What does the phrase mean?  Who uses unconditional love?  Who has it and who needs it?  Who or what wants unconditional love?  Anything that has conditions means that it comes with a set of guidelines of some sort.  In other words, certain conditions must be met in order to be loved, give love, feel love.  The opposite of this would mean that every person has an entitlement to love.  This illustration suggests that love flows freely through us, one to another.  In order for this we must set aside the ego's desire to be loved by conditions.  If we seek to be loved for our good deeds, must we then be willing to relinquish that love when we have become a failure?  Failure is temporary and can be overcome with help from Love.


When you are showing Love for others, you are meeting their needs and being kind and creating an atmosphere of acceptance.  Fighting, bickering and other behaviors along these lines is not love, it is the ego vying for control.  Let's create a scenario so we can learn from it: 

Suppose your husband is in the habit of behaving selfishly and disregards your needs and feelings often.  You are doing your best to not mirror back this bad behavior because this is not love.  He is doing everything he can to block love from flowing between you.  For the sake of your children, you press on.  One Saturday morning you are at your boiling point over the anomolies of this relationship and his blatant lack of respect for the family structure.  You ask yourself, "why does he seem to think it's ok for him to just disregard the needs and structure of this family and do whatever he wants or refuse to do anything that the family wants?"   You find yourself back in that same negative mood that often shreds you to pieces inside.  But how do you break the cycle and continue to allow the Love to flow?

There is only one answer here.  You must STILLSHOW LOVE.  You must not let this anti-social person change who you are trying to be.  YOU MUST press on!  Your children are watching you.  They know what is going on and they will surely imitate your behavior.  Remember in moments like these that you are DEEPLY LOVED BY SOMEBODY...even if it is not this person...this person in front of you hurting you.  This person daring you to call them out on their awful habits and thier meanness.  They are pushing you to become ugly in your heart and poison yourself.  They do not care about you.  They only care to ruin you and if you give will ruin yourself.

How do you infuse Love then?  RETREAT.  You cannot keep looking at the problem and think it will ever improve.  If you stay staring, if you fight, if you argue, you are magnetizing more.  Unfortunately this person wants you to let go of them and walk away.  They want you to disappear.  They are going to complain when you go out with your friends or forget to do certain household chores, but meanwhile, if you stick around at home, they will just disappear into another room or another project because they really just do not want to be with you.  Yes, it hurts...I know it does.  You are going to be okay though.  Because SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE, LOVES YOU VERY MUCH.

This is one of those times when you need to go and be with the ones who give you unconditional love and support.  Do not go and be unhappy or whine about your troubles.  Instead, go and share your love and be loved and be filled up with love.  Retreat into nature or with music if it helps.  Try not to let negative emotions run through you.  You must become a vessel for light.  Not a vessel like a teacup where things go in and they just sit  Instead, be a U-Pipe.  Let the light come in through one end and filter through you and out of you to others.  When you are shown love, show it to others freely.  Do not carry heavy feelings of "Lack of love" around with you.  Just discard them and fill yourself up with real love.

It is so sad when there are people like this in our lives.  They are so unhappy with themselves and so out-of-touch with the needs and desires of others that they are literally unaware of what real love is.  They will suffer for it.  We should pray for them.

Love everyone, and be blessed,

(from her garden of solitude this Saturday morning)

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