Monday, February 20, 2012

Is there a Lot at Stake if we fail at LOVE?

My question for the cosmos today is this:

Is there a lot at stake if we fail at LOVE?

I have been doing a considerable amount of research and mingling in unfamiliar circles in order to compile data to conclusively answer that question.  Time for some deep vulnerability here.  The New Moon in Pisces today has me feeling that I want to shed the shackles and bear my soul to anyone who will care.  The year 2009 was a big turning point in my life in the area of my career and day-to-day lifestlye.  It was during the late summer of 2009 that I left my high-stress work as a AAA Dispatcher and began working once again in an enterpreneurial fashion from home.  At the time I made that change, I was not interested in growing a business.  I wanted to be with my children.  I was driven to this by fear.  I was so fearful, I could barely breathe.  I could not sleep.  I had heard that terrible, catastrophic events were going to occur in December of 2012.  I could not shake my fear.  I had no faith left to cling to.  I decided that if this was what was coming, I was not going to kill myself in slave-itude for some company.  Instead I was going to be with my children...every minute I could.  I was going to get them ready. 

Along the way, I searched for answers to many questions about the future.  I began to erradicate fear and replace it with hope, determination and finally faith.  A year after I left that job...a year to the month, i was given a book.  That book was "The Secret".  It affected my heart immediately.  I realized that there were worlds of thinking and believing and possibilities that I had tuned out for YEARS!  I had been burned by religion and that left me angry.  Deep inside I knew I was not a body...I knew I was a spirit and a spiritual being, but without a church. I felt I was a lost soul.  Thankfully, one book lead to others and lead to my doing the work.  I got on my yoga mat...I walked in the woods, I silenced the chatter.  I learned to meditate.  I began to evolve.  All the while, as I was doing these things, people and places and opportunities and situations changed all around me and revolved as I stood still.  I did not need to go running after these opportunities and desires.  What I loved...even things and people I had no idea I was going to love...they were drawn to me and they are here with me now.  These are the people and places of my life. 

But now that 2012 has arrived, I feel many new things that I could never have understood had I not taken that journey from the summer of 2009 to now.  All of those times when I felt burdened and pressured and pushed around...they all feel so unimportant now.  Even the work I do now, it is still pretty much the same as I ever did before, but it feels like it is a calling and not a burden.  I have found my Way.  I understand The cross of Jesus Christ now.  I get it.  I never did before...even when I thought I did, I was wrong.  We were never supposed to focus on the Cross.  We were supposed to focus on the Resurrection.  We were supposed to live as beings of Spirit, not flesh.  Yes, we are in the flesh and we have desires and those desires are not evil.  They are our passions, but I wonder how many people really allow themselves to feel that passion?  We are a passionless race...humanity.  There are the few who really feel and they are the ones who are starting to make this world better.  But I fear there is so much more work to do. 

If we truly LOVE, we must show others the LIGHT.  I am a LightWorker and I will continue to shine it in the dark places, in peoples hearts, in the community.  I will continue to beg my Source of Light to pour it through me and allow me to SERVE for all the days of my life because I LOVE this world and my friends and my cherished people.  I love my TF and he inspires me.  He is the greatest man I know and he does not even know how amazing he is to me.  I see myself in his work.  He inspires me and I am glad to know this.  I wish for all of my dear ones who have a love, a soulmate, or anyone...if they are not alone, I wish for them to make every moment FULL of LOVE and PASSION.  In fact, quite literally...MAKE LOVE.  When they do, they are sharing that beautiful and powerful energy with the universe and we all need it!  Please, I beg you, do not turn a blind dispassionate eye to suffering.  Please take care of every need, every needy person who comes to you, please give them everything they require because when you are doing this you are healing us all. 

In the hearts of all people, there is an invisible connection and the hurting of one causes the hurting of others.  Denying anyone what they need causes a ripple effect and those causing this pain and harm will soon be destroyed!  This year we will feel a change in our very DNA and in our consciousness.  Some of you my dear friends, like me, may be feeling this very strongly.  You may feel very emotional and not sure what to concentrate your energy on.  You do NOT need to medicate yourself.  Allow yourself to feel all of these emotions, you must feel them.  Once you are able to connect deeply with these you can begin to help others more and more.  You will discover ways to use your natural talents and abilities to benefit the greater good and you will feel empowered. 

My continued dream, is that everyone awaken and understand what I now understand about Love and what love really is.  It is not what we have long believed it to be.  It is so much greater then that.  To Love is to be LONG suffering...and patient and KNOWING what is true and what is yours.  What belongs to you...every single person has a twin flame.  Some will know them in this lifetime.  Some will not but all need to recognize that everything they need to generate this deep love vibration already exists inside them.  SO VIBRATE!  SHAKE!  RATTLE!  ROLL!  HOWL at the moon if you have to but let that frequency be at "Love or Above". 

~Love everyone, and be blessed,



  1. "Please take care of every need, every needy person who comes to you, please give them everything they require because when you are doing this you are healing us all."

    Wow - What else can I say. Thanks for sharing your insight.
