Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vlog # 5 Identifying relationships

Happy LEAP DAY, February 29th 2012.  The topic of this video Blog is relationships.

Lots of Love,


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Vlog #4 Synchronicities in Love

I have been thinking a lot about synchronicities.  Some people have said (about love), that it is the little things that matter most.  I think that what they mean is it is the little overlooked things that no one focuses on like synchronicities that count.  I say this because these are the kinds of things that are hard to define or describe but connect us with a sort-of invisible wire.  When we start seeing multiple connections the synchronicities become serendipitous occurances that can no longer be overlooked and become meaningful on a deeper level.

It is such a joyous occurrance that can leave us feeling blissful.  Remember that LOVE is serendipity.  Remember that LOVE is meant for YOU.  You do not need a partner or perfect husband/wife to feel it.  Love comes from all around and from different people at different times.  For some, it comes from the same people over and over again.  Enjoy it!  Cherish it and embrace it. 

Love everybody and Be blessed,


love yourself Video Blog #3

SELF-LOVE.  Not to be confused with Selfish Love.  They are very different things.

Be Blessed in Love,


Astrology March 2012

Hi everyone!  I like this vlogging thing....Let's hear from all of you though!

Love everyone and be blessed,


True-Love Vlog #1 Introduction

Hi everyone!  Whew!  This was not easy for me.  I had plenty of difficulty and then this video was remade and shortened and last minute and all that.  SO!  Enjoy and watch for more. 

Love you,


Monday, February 27, 2012

If they LOVE you, You will feel it.

Have you ever wondered if someone loved you?  Maybe in high school you wondered if someone liked you or had a crush on you because you liked them and then there was all this wondering.  Wonder is a great thing.  We should always be full of wonder.  We should be wonder-full (wonderful).  Love should be innocent and pure.  Let me correct that:   Love IS innocent and pure and should be treated with respect for being that way.  Love is pure and exists in the spirit and the soul.  When love is there between any people, it is felt and seen.  There is nothing to wonder about.  For that matter, when love for a group of people is there, the power of that Love is greatly multiplied!

To Love or be Loved takes confidence.  If you want to be loved, then believe you are loved.  If you want to show love to anyone, believe that they are receiving it.  The difficulty comes  when the person you want to show love to is not receiving (open) to it.  But don't give up.  Love them anyway.  Just don't martyr yourself to convince them they are loved.  The receiving is on their shoulders and only they can do that.

One of my problems for my whole life has been that I have perceived myself as being rejected in Love.  What was really happening was that instead of focusing on the people who wanted top receive me and my love, I only saw the ones who were NOT open to receiving or who took my love and did twisted things with it.  Now that I realize the pain this causes on the Love Giver (me), I no longer do this.  I offer Love, I show Love, I give it away...and then I allow my intuition to guide me.  If I see that I am being loved in return, I gain confidence in the person or group that is reflecting back to me what I am giving to them. 

This mirror-image concept of love is the real deal.  This is what real love actually is.  I will mention once again, Jesus Christ and the Christ consciousness of Love.  The Christ Love is to give and not receive.  The martyrdom was not for attention or to be loved.  In fact, Christ (in my opinion) never intended to create the religious movement named for him.  He intended to demonstrate Love's Power in overcoming death.  In other words, he intended for believers to witness a resurrection and therefore know the power of real love.

So love is a mirror reaction.  I want to mention a dear friend.  She means so much to me especially today because in the past few months we have not seen each other much and not because we are growing apart or do not love each other.  Recently she reached out and just asked me if we were ok.  She was not aggressive, did not complain or cause me grief or suggest that I was unloving.  Nope...she knows that is not why we haven't connected.  She knows that I love her.  And even more importantly, she loves me.  And Love is blind to many things and would never assume the worst of the one they love.

That is why Dawny is one of my dear soul mates.  Her love shows me the polar opposite to another relationship that I was forced to abandon last year.  In the "bad" relationship, I was accused of things and harassed and misunderstood and put on the defensive.  It was the exact same situation with the only difference being the hearts of the two people.  You see, my Dawny is open to Love and she is willing to receive and to give it.  She believes that the best part of me is the predominant part.  I appreciate being trusted like that.  It feels very good. 

And so this week, I will reach out to ones I have not seen in a while and make sure they are feeling the love.  It is so urgent right now to really give love freely to all you care...really care for one another.  If someone is sick or home-bound or discouraged or battling with emotional troubles and you know about something...anything.  Just let the person know they are not alone.  I wish you all a lot of power to do this. I will be sharing my vibration of deep love to all, everyday when I meditate.  I want to see a United and Loving planet and I believe it can be achieved.

Love everyone and Be blessed,


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Understanding "un"conditions


What is it?  What does the phrase mean?  Who uses unconditional love?  Who has it and who needs it?  Who or what wants unconditional love?  Anything that has conditions means that it comes with a set of guidelines of some sort.  In other words, certain conditions must be met in order to be loved, give love, feel love.  The opposite of this would mean that every person has an entitlement to love.  This illustration suggests that love flows freely through us, one to another.  In order for this we must set aside the ego's desire to be loved by conditions.  If we seek to be loved for our good deeds, must we then be willing to relinquish that love when we have become a failure?  Failure is temporary and can be overcome with help from Love.


When you are showing Love for others, you are meeting their needs and being kind and creating an atmosphere of acceptance.  Fighting, bickering and other behaviors along these lines is not love, it is the ego vying for control.  Let's create a scenario so we can learn from it: 

Suppose your husband is in the habit of behaving selfishly and disregards your needs and feelings often.  You are doing your best to not mirror back this bad behavior because this is not love.  He is doing everything he can to block love from flowing between you.  For the sake of your children, you press on.  One Saturday morning you are at your boiling point over the anomolies of this relationship and his blatant lack of respect for the family structure.  You ask yourself, "why does he seem to think it's ok for him to just disregard the needs and structure of this family and do whatever he wants or refuse to do anything that the family wants?"   You find yourself back in that same negative mood that often shreds you to pieces inside.  But how do you break the cycle and continue to allow the Love to flow?

There is only one answer here.  You must STILLSHOW LOVE.  You must not let this anti-social person change who you are trying to be.  YOU MUST press on!  Your children are watching you.  They know what is going on and they will surely imitate your behavior.  Remember in moments like these that you are DEEPLY LOVED BY SOMEBODY...even if it is not this person...this person in front of you hurting you.  This person daring you to call them out on their awful habits and thier meanness.  They are pushing you to become ugly in your heart and poison yourself.  They do not care about you.  They only care to ruin you and if you give will ruin yourself.

How do you infuse Love then?  RETREAT.  You cannot keep looking at the problem and think it will ever improve.  If you stay staring, if you fight, if you argue, you are magnetizing more.  Unfortunately this person wants you to let go of them and walk away.  They want you to disappear.  They are going to complain when you go out with your friends or forget to do certain household chores, but meanwhile, if you stick around at home, they will just disappear into another room or another project because they really just do not want to be with you.  Yes, it hurts...I know it does.  You are going to be okay though.  Because SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE, LOVES YOU VERY MUCH.

This is one of those times when you need to go and be with the ones who give you unconditional love and support.  Do not go and be unhappy or whine about your troubles.  Instead, go and share your love and be loved and be filled up with love.  Retreat into nature or with music if it helps.  Try not to let negative emotions run through you.  You must become a vessel for light.  Not a vessel like a teacup where things go in and they just sit  Instead, be a U-Pipe.  Let the light come in through one end and filter through you and out of you to others.  When you are shown love, show it to others freely.  Do not carry heavy feelings of "Lack of love" around with you.  Just discard them and fill yourself up with real love.

It is so sad when there are people like this in our lives.  They are so unhappy with themselves and so out-of-touch with the needs and desires of others that they are literally unaware of what real love is.  They will suffer for it.  We should pray for them.

Love everyone, and be blessed,

(from her garden of solitude this Saturday morning)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Passion is Progress

When it comes to Love, Passion IS the showing of progress.  When you are dull or feeling aimless, this is not love.  Love happens when we infuse enthusiasm into something that might otherwise remain a mundane undertaking.  This is an intentional act of elevating any experience to bring it to an emotional level.  We are able to manifest and attract what we desire much faster when we demonstrate this passion for it. 

Activities that require passion or create passion or exhilerate us will deepen the passion for other things.  So even if we are doing another activity in hope that it will elevate the passion, we can then reposition it's delivery.  For example (from my own life), you may begin an exercise regimen which will benefit your overall energy levels.  In particular, various forms of aerobic exercise release endorpins into the bloodstream which immediately elevate the mood and thus increase enthusiasm and passion.  Therefore, by adding aerobic exercise to your daily life, you elevate yourself and your passion in general.  Then, just aim it at what or whomever it is you LOVE!  And then there will be a burst in the energy of that LOVE.

Some people will benefit from music, listening to or performing; Art or even dance.

Still others will need to find more unique outlets to allow that Love to flow.  If you have always wanted to climb a mountain, jump from an airplane or travel the really ought to begin to make the arrangements to do it. the time for LOVE is now and what brings Love is LOVE.  Confusing?  Maybe, but you will get it if you just DO IT.  Don't think about loving something or someone or making a difference...get out there and start.  You can make small changes or big changes.  Perhaps small changes will affect big changes but just take one step and then another.  Pretty soon you are walking.  Speed it up and you are running.

Nothing can stop the momentum of love.  It is a Natural Law.  An object in motion stays in motion.  Love materializes and becomes objects.  We can move mountains with Love.  We can resurrect ourselves.

Be kind to someone unexpectedly kind.  The reward will be felt in your own heart.

Love Everyone, and Be blessed,


Following the Twin Flame to Real Love

When it comes to True Love and Real Love, it is time for an awakening of understanding, knowledge and belief.  In 2012 and beyond, it is necessary to evolve our understanding of Love.   Love is not compatability, living arrangements or even marriage.  If anyone reading these words is thinking that these are what Love is designed from then they are still working from the former paradigm which no longer works.  With the planet Neptune now in it's new position and staying for 14 years, we will soon see many revelations in relationships to help us identify true love and false love.  What we must do is first and foremost:  LOVE OURSELVES.  Love YOU...not your EGO but the real YOU.  Finding out who the REAL YOU is, is actually your first life purpose.  Your second purpose is to Love everyone else the way you come to love yourself.  This is what forms your reality.  If you are looking around and you do not like your current reality, then go back to step one and work from there.

So a two-step system to a great life.  Love yourself, as  God or your Creator or LIGHT, has loved you.  And then shed that love freely and abundantly and generously upon others.  Do not just share it but give it away as though the heat from that light were burning your hands and you had to throw it away as quickly as you could.  GIVE it away to every person you meet.  Give it...push it away...use the power of your mind to SEND it and envelop people who need it.  Breathe it in and breathe it out.  Your breath possesses not hold it breath, it must come in and go out rapidly or there will be death.  Your breath, your thoughts, your faith, your love, all make a difference and change the balance of the force of LOVE on our entire PLANET.  I believe this and I wish for everyone to believe it.

The Twin Flame

As I understand the Twin Flame Love, it is associated with the number 11.  This is not numerology.  Accept 11 just as it is.  1111 not boil it down to 2 or 4.  The number 11 is a 1 next to a 1 with such a polarity to each other that they stand without blending and without being boiled-down.  They exist side by side and create an entirely new thing~ The number eleven.  You have a twin flame.  This could be a deceased person who has passed on from this world or even an Ascended Master who is more evolved then your soul at present (perhaps).  This could be a person who exists in the flesh right now.  You may be being pulled toward them (if you are on the right path and living the Right Way).  If you are wondering why other relationships feel less fullfilling to you it is because the Twin Flame essence does not exist within that other person.  It is may be in love regardless or you may be in a workable marriage.  What we do in the "flesh" is really less important than what we allow our spirit and subconscious minds to create.  But for some very special people, they are connecting in the physical with their true 1111.  11:11~ understand the two separate 11's are a mirror image.  They are You standing side by side with your twin flame.  Then your mirror is seeing them standing side by side with you.  This is for those ready to achieve spiritual accomplishments in life.

The PULL or ATTRACTION of the Twin Flame is like this: 
You are a fisherman in a boat.  You cast this line out for a fish.  The Fish pulls the line because it has been attracted to the bait.  But the work is not over.  The Twin Flame (Fish) is HUGE.  Think of The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.  This fish is your destiny.  Its job is to teach you what you need in life.  Its job is to take you on a journey.  It will pull you and lead you.  There are opportunities for you to cut it free and let it go and not connect with it.  But if you choose to stick it out...go the will find your true self at the end of the journey. That fish is your destiny.  Discovering your TRUE SELF is your destiny and the Twin's job is to help you receive or discover it.

Ok, honestly, I read that book ( The Old Man and The Sea)over the summer and then while I was writing, the analogy just kept nagging at me so I had to share it.  Some of you may understand where I was going and others may be confused.  Try reading the very short story I shared about and it will change you, really.  It is such a sweet and amazing story, and of course so well written.  And here is the more interesting element in my odd opinion:  I was reading this story when my TF contacted me and I shared about it to that person. 

Do not deny yourself of the life lesson the Twin is there to help you discover.  It may be painful, but it is by design and will cleanse you.  My Twin Flame experience is teaching me to feel the power within me...Love me.  My Twin Flame experience has brought me to do further research on the phemomenon of Twin Flames, Soul Mates, True Love and the Universal Laws.  My Twin Flame experience is happening on the Spirit-Level and I have no idea where it is taking me but I will not let go.  I am in it for the long term...for the whole shabang. 

Love Everyone, and Be blessed, 


Monday, February 20, 2012

Is there a Lot at Stake if we fail at LOVE?

My question for the cosmos today is this:

Is there a lot at stake if we fail at LOVE?

I have been doing a considerable amount of research and mingling in unfamiliar circles in order to compile data to conclusively answer that question.  Time for some deep vulnerability here.  The New Moon in Pisces today has me feeling that I want to shed the shackles and bear my soul to anyone who will care.  The year 2009 was a big turning point in my life in the area of my career and day-to-day lifestlye.  It was during the late summer of 2009 that I left my high-stress work as a AAA Dispatcher and began working once again in an enterpreneurial fashion from home.  At the time I made that change, I was not interested in growing a business.  I wanted to be with my children.  I was driven to this by fear.  I was so fearful, I could barely breathe.  I could not sleep.  I had heard that terrible, catastrophic events were going to occur in December of 2012.  I could not shake my fear.  I had no faith left to cling to.  I decided that if this was what was coming, I was not going to kill myself in slave-itude for some company.  Instead I was going to be with my children...every minute I could.  I was going to get them ready. 

Along the way, I searched for answers to many questions about the future.  I began to erradicate fear and replace it with hope, determination and finally faith.  A year after I left that job...a year to the month, i was given a book.  That book was "The Secret".  It affected my heart immediately.  I realized that there were worlds of thinking and believing and possibilities that I had tuned out for YEARS!  I had been burned by religion and that left me angry.  Deep inside I knew I was not a body...I knew I was a spirit and a spiritual being, but without a church. I felt I was a lost soul.  Thankfully, one book lead to others and lead to my doing the work.  I got on my yoga mat...I walked in the woods, I silenced the chatter.  I learned to meditate.  I began to evolve.  All the while, as I was doing these things, people and places and opportunities and situations changed all around me and revolved as I stood still.  I did not need to go running after these opportunities and desires.  What I loved...even things and people I had no idea I was going to love...they were drawn to me and they are here with me now.  These are the people and places of my life. 

But now that 2012 has arrived, I feel many new things that I could never have understood had I not taken that journey from the summer of 2009 to now.  All of those times when I felt burdened and pressured and pushed around...they all feel so unimportant now.  Even the work I do now, it is still pretty much the same as I ever did before, but it feels like it is a calling and not a burden.  I have found my Way.  I understand The cross of Jesus Christ now.  I get it.  I never did before...even when I thought I did, I was wrong.  We were never supposed to focus on the Cross.  We were supposed to focus on the Resurrection.  We were supposed to live as beings of Spirit, not flesh.  Yes, we are in the flesh and we have desires and those desires are not evil.  They are our passions, but I wonder how many people really allow themselves to feel that passion?  We are a passionless race...humanity.  There are the few who really feel and they are the ones who are starting to make this world better.  But I fear there is so much more work to do. 

If we truly LOVE, we must show others the LIGHT.  I am a LightWorker and I will continue to shine it in the dark places, in peoples hearts, in the community.  I will continue to beg my Source of Light to pour it through me and allow me to SERVE for all the days of my life because I LOVE this world and my friends and my cherished people.  I love my TF and he inspires me.  He is the greatest man I know and he does not even know how amazing he is to me.  I see myself in his work.  He inspires me and I am glad to know this.  I wish for all of my dear ones who have a love, a soulmate, or anyone...if they are not alone, I wish for them to make every moment FULL of LOVE and PASSION.  In fact, quite literally...MAKE LOVE.  When they do, they are sharing that beautiful and powerful energy with the universe and we all need it!  Please, I beg you, do not turn a blind dispassionate eye to suffering.  Please take care of every need, every needy person who comes to you, please give them everything they require because when you are doing this you are healing us all. 

In the hearts of all people, there is an invisible connection and the hurting of one causes the hurting of others.  Denying anyone what they need causes a ripple effect and those causing this pain and harm will soon be destroyed!  This year we will feel a change in our very DNA and in our consciousness.  Some of you my dear friends, like me, may be feeling this very strongly.  You may feel very emotional and not sure what to concentrate your energy on.  You do NOT need to medicate yourself.  Allow yourself to feel all of these emotions, you must feel them.  Once you are able to connect deeply with these you can begin to help others more and more.  You will discover ways to use your natural talents and abilities to benefit the greater good and you will feel empowered. 

My continued dream, is that everyone awaken and understand what I now understand about Love and what love really is.  It is not what we have long believed it to be.  It is so much greater then that.  To Love is to be LONG suffering...and patient and KNOWING what is true and what is yours.  What belongs to you...every single person has a twin flame.  Some will know them in this lifetime.  Some will not but all need to recognize that everything they need to generate this deep love vibration already exists inside them.  SO VIBRATE!  SHAKE!  RATTLE!  ROLL!  HOWL at the moon if you have to but let that frequency be at "Love or Above". 

~Love everyone, and be blessed,


Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Beautiful Marriage of Science and Spirit

Our physical body is not who we really are.  It is but a part.  We are spirits in the material.  Everything inside of us is vibrating and has a frequency similar to the frequency upon which a television or radio program is transmitted.  This information is important to know because it almost seems banal to hear it but it really is quite meaningful.  It means that we are Spiritual Beings.  It means that what we have come to value in the physical world, could be only an illusion and nothing more.  The food...the dream home...the money.  It may only be important based on the one idea that we have been programmed throughout history to believe in the value of these things.

But what do we really truly love?  What should we love?  Love is, by definition, perfection.  There is no judgement and no end to love.  Love is eternal, powerful and everywhere.  Love is a living substance.  Choosing a mate, a spouse, a friend...these things often have nothing to do with love at all.  These are the result of karma.  Karma that comes full circle and presents opportunity for resolution of the karma within the other person or with help from the other person. 

Our planet, and Her health and ability to sustain this belief system we currently live in with regards to Love, needs our Love so desperately right now.  It will take a major change in the minds of all people about this concept of Love...the time is make it better.  To heal her.  To save her.  Our planet is dying because of a lack of love.  She does not want to hurt us as she heals herself and so we MUST help Mother Earth to heal herself. 

This is what unconditional means.  I have searched for the meaning of unconditional Love all of my life.  I see now, that it is not for one person or a family, but for all of humanity.  We are called to Love our Planet and Humanity unconditionally.  This is our calling now.  This is the only Way.  Our Twin Flames are our split-aparts from creation and they mirror back to us all the love we feel when our consciousness arrives at this conclusion.  This conclusion, meaning that Loving our planet without conditions is the greatest love.  Loving humanity without conditions is our calling.

I will end by saying that this was Jesus Christ's message.  He did not want us to stare at the cross and remember the cross and be burdened by the cross.  His wish, his plea, was that we observe His resurrection and BELIEVE.  Now is the time we must do just that and we must believe.  We are all connected.  If one believes and another refuses to believe, the chain of Love is weakened.  The one who believes, must believe with their whole heart and soul and with a passion and a love never seen before.

Miracles will happen and those who do not BELIEVE in Love will be scared and uncertain.  Certainty is essential in these days of our lives on this planet.  We have a front-row seat to the time that the Ancient Civilizations have indicated will change the paradigm of our existence.  What do you believe?  Believe first in the amazing LOVE that is all around the ocean, the trees, the wind, the nature and even in the hearts of man.  Please turn off your televisions and stop feeding into the lies.


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Great SongGreat Video.  Meaningful Lyrics set to a playful rhythm.  It reflects Love in every sense.

I saw these guys Live at Lupos about 10 or 11 years ago.  They were fantastic!  I was thinking about this song this morning and how it has over the year or so created feelings of elevated love in me...That is enough reason to like it!

"If it's love.  Then we're two birds of a feather."  The words are great...light.

I am not with my Twin Flame.  But supposedly 2012 is an important placement in the cosmos for such connections.  In Kabbalah, it is taught that there are indeed soul connections like this however, they emphasize that all men and women have a choice who they partner with.  People are attracted to one another for many reasons but only when we are tuned-in to the intuitive nature within us can we begin to recognize what type of relationship we are having with every person in our lives. 

For example, you may be dating or married to a Soul Mate.  You can be very happy this way.  That particular soulmate of yours is not "the only one" you can join with.  It is your choice to be with them and dedicate yourself to them and raise them up and make a beautiful relationship together.  If you never meet your Twin Flame in this lifetime, that does not change the fact that you have one.  You may be married to may feel they are near you.  You may feel you have found them.  They may feel it too.  It also may be a possible truth that you know one another but cannot be together in this lifetime.  Also, your Twin Flame could be a Spirit...crossed over or has not returned to this realm of the World at this time.

So you can see that Love is ETERNAL.  Love is everywhere.  Love is everything.  Your calling is to love everyone.  If you need intimate love, passion...then you may go and have it.  Use your intuition and your other instincts to help you learn about your potential partner so that you can choose the best one for you, and do not be unhappy.  Your duty is to Love.

Love Everyone and Be Blessed,


Monday, February 13, 2012

Gilbert first Love

Not surprisingly, my first love was a fictional character from the Book series "Anne of Green Gables".  His name was Gilbert Blythe.  Gilbert sort of had a crush on Anne from the time he first met her.  This is a common school-girl fantasy, to have a boy who had known you forever, be in love with you.

I think the reason this appeals to us is because we want to be deeply known and understood.  Our egos crave such attention.  This is why we take the time to ask questions of our potential partners and why we share personal stories with them or create moments to bond.  Friendship is a fine way to discover if you have a karmic connection to someone. 

It is important to know that not ALL karmic connections are good ones.  Some feel good and draw you to someone.  Later you wonder why you were so enamored when you discover they have bad qualities that you are not at all attracted to.  One way to explain this is that your karmic connection was based on karmic of you owed the other something in a past life. 

Gilbert was a good boy...he antagonized Anne but he admired her.  As their years in the same small town and small schoolhouse went on, they discovered they were similar.  Their similarities began to bond them rather than divide them.  And as adults, not even distance could separate the connection they shared.  In time, they were married.

Yes, I know it is fiction.  But I have known some unique love stories.  I will ask some couples if they will allow me to interview them for the blog so I can share it and we can learn from them.  I have married couple friends who are childhood sweethearts and honestly exude love.  I can think of two couples.  Their stories inspire me and they have taken very different paths.  More on that another time.

Just keep thinking Love-ing thoughts and have faith. 

The Promise

I did it...I embedded a video! This is real progress for me.

Above is a video someone made for youtube featuring beautiful trees and landscapes (some of my favorite things) and the song "The Promise" written and sung by the incomparable Tracey Chapman.

To me, this song speaks of Magnetism..the act of our Souls being magnets that draw things to us.  When speaking of Love, our Souls are magnetizing Love to us and magnetizing us to others who are seeking our specific kind of love.  This is why it is essential that our Love for people be pure.  You CAN love everyone.  But what you are feeling on the inside has the potential to manifest and so it should be very pure.  People can and will know your deeper desires because you are powerful.

If there is a person in your life that is causing or bringing evil or dangerous energy to you , it may be hard to even love them at all.  Turn that love instead toward yourself and love yourself where they are hurting you.  Affirm to yourself that you are special and worthy.  Do not believe the lie...that you are not worthy.  I have been in this situation with a female cousin of mine and I eventually had to realize that her lies were not true about me.  I had to love myself and heal myself.

So, about the magnetism and the song, The Promise:  I love this song personally.  Some people may feel it is sorrowful and mournful and sad.  I hope that others will see the reflection and affirmation of a very deep spiritual love in the song.  And remember that music is more than the lyric...the words.  The music is all-encompassed.  It creates a certain type of vibrational energy. 

A friend of mine named Dottie Rudolf runs a shop in Newport RI called "Under the Sun".  She was the first person to ever point out to me that what we listen to (musically) effects our mood and our subconscious vibration.  Deep down where the mind is working below the surface, there is imagery and music that are playing all the time.  So what are you allowing in?  whatever it is, can be the soundtrack of your life.

She says:

"If you long for me, then I will come to you"
"If you think of me, then I will come to you"

This is magnetism and she is applying that Law of Attraction to either a true love relationship or lost love or someone who has died.  Death cannot end love.  It persists.  You are a magnet drawing all things to you but why you think and feel.  Love has the power to really (1111) change things and fast.  Why?  Because it is one of the strongest feelings there can ever be.

Love everyone and be Blessed,


True Love causes a Vibration

Ok...get your mind out of the gutter you dirty bird.  I know you are thinking this has something to do with sex, but it does not. you maybe.  But what I am suggesting is that when you are in the presence of your True Love, or thinking of your True Love, you will feel and cause vibration.  I read about this on a website where I had been visiting as I researched the idea of the Twin Flame.  I apologize because I cannot remember what site it was.  What I recall is they had created an extensive checklist by which you could size-up your experience with True Love and see if you were indeed in the presence of your Twin Flame. 

A Twin Flame...the concept of the Twin different from a soul mate. 

A soul mate can be a best friend or child.  A Twin Flame is your soul's Love and your destined companion throughout your many reincarnations.  According to my astral chart, in my lifetime now, I am destined to at least know him...possibly even be married to him.

If the idea that your Twin Flame isn't supposed to be your "happily ever after" or your husband...surprises you, then you should just do some research on it and get a Background Knowledge on the subject.  I will be sharing about it as the revelations come to me.  As of the present, I  have successfully recognized the presence of my Twin Love.  He is here and not far.  I will not be talking at length about anything specific regarding him.  I will instead focus on the Sharing of Love and how to cultivate the feeling...the emotion and then to share it.

So...about the vibration.  To start with, I stay well hydrated...lots of water.  The more hydrated you are, the better you can feel or sense movement and vibration.  Your body, when well-hydrated is an excellent pendulum.  According to the experts when you find yourself in the presence of your Twin Flame, there is a physical reaction.  They call it vibration.  Once you have identified the person, everything changes.  Now you know something you never knew before and you can never stop knowing it.  Now you must live it.

When the presence of my Twin Flame became known to me, I began experiencing increased vibration all the time whether I was physically near him or not.  In particular, I began having noticeable loss of balance when I woke up every morning.  I felt like my body would sway so much that I needed to hold onto the wall to get around (for about the first hour of my day).  I even started getting out first thing in the morning and go walking for at least 15 minutes because there were no walls and just walking seemed to stabilize my balance.  I was literally thrown off balance.

Recognition is the key to the Twin Flame.  You could know this person your whole life and there could be some signs but until you are spiritually elevated enough to really know them, you may never experience these "symptoms".  The instant that your SOUL recognizes them, all bets are off.  Anything can happen and you will be forever altered.  This happens when you are ready to really understand who this is and why they exist. 

Do not be afraid if your Twin Flame is not available to you or does not seem to know they are the missing part of you...LOL...Just put your faith in the universe.  Many people can have happy, loving marriages with a person whom they share karmic love, or who is a soulmate to them.  These are alternative forms of love to the Twin Flame Love.  They are suitable and people can find happiness this way.  You do not have to search for a Twin Flame before you can experience love, you just need to give and receive love and make choices.  That is what life is about...choices!

Share your love and be blessed,


True Love is Real

Today is February 13th, 2012.  Tomorrow is VALENTINES DAY.  Some people believe Love...even TRUE LOVE is somehow associated with this celebratory day.  Maybe there are some Lovers out there who make the day worthy of such an accomplishment.  For others it is just fun.  But for me, it will always remind me that it was around this time of year that I came to be a believer in true love.

I am 37 years young.  I just came alive a few months ago.  I have been living my life with no purpose or direction for most of the time I have been in existence in this world.  Now I see that I can navigate this ship I call My Life.  Here is a song that will always reflect my heart from now on:

(This is not my video...someone else made it but I think it is lovely)

The woman who made this video said Santana was a part of her marriage for 28 years and she loved the song.  I love it for other reasons, but I appreciate the words and that she inserted images of nature.  That really resonates with me.  I am a nature-lover and so is my true love.

My True Love is my mirror-image in nearly everyway.  He is my Twin Flame.  He and I are not "together" in love right now but I know him and that is the first step.  I will continue to update this blog with my thoughts and ideas about Love and Passion and True Love and Twin Flames  and Soul Mates. 

Love everyone.  Always give Love because it is is a gift...and everyone needs it...EVERYONE.

Be Blessed in Love,
