When feelings run so deeply that words cannot express them, and your breath is just caught somewhere between your lungs and the outside world....THAT may be a sign that you are experiencing TRUE love. When faced with the task of walking away from Love because you are star-crossed lovers who the universe will not let be together for whatever reason, THIS could be true love. If Good things are never easy to acquire and do not come cheaply...then TRUE love comes at a cost to your soul and your heart and your life. Love is a very pure thing...it is not so much an emotion as a living and breathing entity of it's own that exists in spirit and inhabits our bodies and fills us. It is like vapor that can pass from one plane to the next and can pass through "solid" objects and matter and can be everywhere or anywhere. There is no limit to how much Love can exist, but the universe came into being by the force of love so it is very powerful! Can love cause explosions? I bet it can! Can you feel love for many people at once? I sure hope so! Can you be in love with more than one person at once? Yes...I believe so. Give yourself some breathing room because anything is possible. Learning to know our true heart's desire is long journey.
The real truth is that we can experience every level of love and joy and peace and happiness in any circumstance and with any person, anywhere! Someone said that you cannot choose who you fall in love with because it "just happens". I believe with my whole heart and soul and every fiber of my being that this is true. In my life I have experienced this once only. I have been in love with about 5 different men over the course of my dating/single life...and in each case but one, I either did not like the person at my initial meeting or else I simply did not feel anything right away. In these cases, the affection took time to turn into love. Only one was instant, and unforgettable for me. This person, I met over the telephone and from the first time I heard their voice, I was affected by them. I felt something. I knew something was there.
But the circumstances of my life were not going to allow for me to be with this person and so Love became friendship and deep loyalty. Love is always Love and never goes away. It changes form and it goes out to different people at different times and places, but it never disappears. We have as much love as we can handle...what we ask for and what we hope to receive! But what can we say about the love we give? I hope we give as much or more than we receive! What is given out returns back to us in kind. Like attracts like. If we look around and decide we do not like who the people are in our lives, remember that we are attracting them to us. They are on our same frequency in life and we have drawn them in. Likewise, we exist for the benefit of others in our lives and so we stay in their orbit as long as we remain on their frequency. Our goal frequency should be Love or Above!
I have said enough for today. My journey is Love. My road is Love Lane. My children fill my heart with all that I need but then there is the yearning undefined which we all experience and hopefully some of us are with our Soulmates and our True Hearts desire.
Love Everyone and Be blessed,
Welcome to the Blog about True Love written by Lilac Avonlea (Facebook and Pen name). The purpose of these Blog entries is to raise consciousness and awareness in 2012 about Life, Love and Happiness. As we move forward together on this planet, it will be essential that we strive for Happiness, Seek Love and Live Life to its fullest in each moment. Managing life can be easy or it can be hard...but that hard road leads to hell, so why go that way?
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Why not just turn and Run? When I see you coming or when I see my shadow?
Why not just Run for good? Run to do some good! Just Run for fun.
No one is perfect and so we all run from something.
We all run to something. We all run for something.
Run for your Life! Run for your Soul. Run to your Heart's Desire. Run to embrace.
Run for President. Run for your money.
Run until the pain moves from your heart to your legs.
And then run some more.
Carry on. Run. Run to me. Run from me. Run for me.
Just Run.
Why not just Run for good? Run to do some good! Just Run for fun.
No one is perfect and so we all run from something.
We all run to something. We all run for something.
Run for your Life! Run for your Soul. Run to your Heart's Desire. Run to embrace.
Run for President. Run for your money.
Run until the pain moves from your heart to your legs.
And then run some more.
Carry on. Run. Run to me. Run from me. Run for me.
Just Run.
How can you tell when you are truly In Love?
I should not write this. I really should not write this. And this is exactly why I am going to do it. I am going to write this because this is what I am wondering and pondering and contemplating and this is what is keeping me from my peace and quiet. I keep trying to write about the kids and our travel plans and our summer activities but when I am all alone in the quiet of my soul, what I really want to know about is TRUE LOVE. I know that not every couple gets married for "True Love". Everyone marries or partners for their own purposes and no one should be judged for that. No one would likely ever outrightly confront someone and say, "hey, are you marrying that person for love or for some other reason?" Would it even be anyone else's business anyway? For centuries, people married for convenience or status or pre-arranged as part of a cultural tradition. So what role does Love actually have in our lives anyway? Is Coupleship Love actually a necessary part of life? If we are In-Love with someone but decide to partner in life with someone else for other reasons besides love, is that immoral or illegal or in some other way an inappropriate act? Many people believe that Homosexuality is wrong and so those who partner together who are gay often have to deal with the pressures of society where they may be looked upon as deviant. Is it also deviant to partner NOT for love? Or even to partner with someone who you do Love but is not your True Love? Which begs the question, how do you know who is your True Love?
Ultimately, Partnerships and marriages have a purpose and people come together to achieve mutual goals. For this reason we often search for a mate using some tried and true criteria such as shared interests, common cultural backgrounds and similar educational experiences or work experiences.
(This article was begun and then the computer crashed. When I rebooted, I thought this was lost and so I created an entierly new entry. I am publishing the incomplete article. Sorry it was never finished)
Ultimately, Partnerships and marriages have a purpose and people come together to achieve mutual goals. For this reason we often search for a mate using some tried and true criteria such as shared interests, common cultural backgrounds and similar educational experiences or work experiences.
(This article was begun and then the computer crashed. When I rebooted, I thought this was lost and so I created an entierly new entry. I am publishing the incomplete article. Sorry it was never finished)
To Reach
Oh, how my heart wants me to behave!
It begs me to reach out to you
to hear your voice
and listen to your thoughts flood me
Oh, how this would be
It would be fine and I would feel relief
Like cool water in the desert
Like Sunshine after the Rain
Oh, How I wish it were meant to be
or that I was free
to go in any direction like the breeze
or travel in it like bumblebees
Oh, for the love of Love
True and real and always there
I could smile all day
I could feel pure joy in my soul
Oh for You, I would give my soul
Be lost forever if I needed to...
Be persecuted and insulted too
I would die (for) my love for you
Oh, How I would die for you.
It begs me to reach out to you
to hear your voice
and listen to your thoughts flood me
Oh, how this would be
It would be fine and I would feel relief
Like cool water in the desert
Like Sunshine after the Rain
Oh, How I wish it were meant to be
or that I was free
to go in any direction like the breeze
or travel in it like bumblebees
Oh, for the love of Love
True and real and always there
I could smile all day
I could feel pure joy in my soul
Oh for You, I would give my soul
Be lost forever if I needed to...
Be persecuted and insulted too
I would die (for) my love for you
Oh, How I would die for you.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Breathe. Release. Repeat.

Those things do not matter.
Meditation and Relaxation are an essential practice in this new Paradigm of life.
In the New Paradigm, our thoughts, dreams, hopes and fears become the very ESSENCE of creation.
They always have been...but soon they will have fast consequences.
It is time to STOP...completely STOP
thinking badly of your fellow man
crying from sadness
being angry
wishing evil on another person
saying "I am not good enough"
calling yourself stupid, or fat, or poor
It is time to START...and REPEAT
positive affirmations for yourself and for others
LOVING everyone freely
Love and encourage people
smile at people
hold the door for someone
tell someone they look beautiful
support someone in their performance, art or dance
tell a Mom that she is making a difference to her kids
give someone a specific compliment.
visit an elderly friend or relative and listen while they share
LISTEN to others when they TALK
Let people talk
Put yourself out there and meet people...and then really LISTEN to them when they share
Always help anyone who needs something.
Take personal accountability for everything
This is the Rebirth of a Planet...and SHE wants to live. This is the dawn of Aquarius and the Rise of the Feminine Polarity to correct the wrongs of the past.
The world you have always known, is changing. Welcome to the New Way. It is happening and you have a choice to join or not. No one will force you to experience Paradise if you prefer hell.
No one will force you.
FREE WILL is your GIFT from the Universe, your Source and your ultimate Creator.
But remember this...the Ultimate creator...
Love Everyone, and BE Blessed,
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Having FUN is good for you.
Lately I am trying to teach my children to enjoy themselves and laugh at their problems, difficulties and things that make them stumble. It's great advice...but can I take my own advice? I wonder if I can!
Now I turn my advice to myself and I say, "Lilac, can you just lighten up and have some fun?" I am trying to do it...honest I am. I can be a lot of fun when I really let myself loosen up from the restrictions and obligations that keep me forever "in check".
The importance of having fun is that we elevate the emotional self higher...get out of the murky doldrums of sorrow, depression, anger, jealousy, boredom, frustration, SELF-DOUBT, or worse. The worst thing we can do is simply be complacent and not care. I feel this way often...too often. I have to force myself to see the rainbow after the rain. I need to consciously remember to smile and look around at the beauty that is everywhere. If I am out walking, I try to observe the trees and the way the sun and wind interact with them. I notice the clouds...the people...the buildings...the interesting vehicles on the road...the decorative shopping malls and all the splendor that comes with humanity. There really IS a lot to see and feel and enjoy. It is simply a matter of acknowledging and allowing.
When we walk around in a state of discouragement, disappointment or anger, we can only see whatever forces it's way through to our conscious mind because we are so preoccupied. This is the DREAM that is cursing humanity and keeping us from paradise. We can live in a place of peace and happiness BY CHOICE. We can choose REGARDLESS of what is happening around us at any given point.
So maybe I would say that as far as practical pointers for achieving this...that is going to be up to the individual. What makes you happy? There is a chapter in the book,
" The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, where she talks about people healing themselves after accidents and with Cancer diagnosis. It is not hocum! It can be done. As soon as the bad news strikes, you have to BELIEVE that you can overcome it with positivity! You HAVE to believe. There is no other way. You HAVE TO. YOU...have to do the work.
In my world, this involves laughing, exploring, talking to people...especially strangers! I talk to people everywhere I go. I love to brighten someone's day by just chatting with them and asking about their lives. Everyone wants to be heard and desires an opportunity to share something of themselves. I said it before about the elderly, and it is true. But ALL people...they are wishing to be heard.
Anyway, hopefully this helps a few people to remember that life is full of beauty and laughter and goodness. When we take the time to admire it, it literally becomes a part of us and we are better off for it! This is the fuel for the vehicle that is your soul. Make it the purest and best fuel you can afford.
Love Everyone and BE Blessed,
Now I turn my advice to myself and I say, "Lilac, can you just lighten up and have some fun?" I am trying to do it...honest I am. I can be a lot of fun when I really let myself loosen up from the restrictions and obligations that keep me forever "in check".
The importance of having fun is that we elevate the emotional self higher...get out of the murky doldrums of sorrow, depression, anger, jealousy, boredom, frustration, SELF-DOUBT, or worse. The worst thing we can do is simply be complacent and not care. I feel this way often...too often. I have to force myself to see the rainbow after the rain. I need to consciously remember to smile and look around at the beauty that is everywhere. If I am out walking, I try to observe the trees and the way the sun and wind interact with them. I notice the clouds...the people...the buildings...the interesting vehicles on the road...the decorative shopping malls and all the splendor that comes with humanity. There really IS a lot to see and feel and enjoy. It is simply a matter of acknowledging and allowing.
When we walk around in a state of discouragement, disappointment or anger, we can only see whatever forces it's way through to our conscious mind because we are so preoccupied. This is the DREAM that is cursing humanity and keeping us from paradise. We can live in a place of peace and happiness BY CHOICE. We can choose REGARDLESS of what is happening around us at any given point.
So maybe I would say that as far as practical pointers for achieving this...that is going to be up to the individual. What makes you happy? There is a chapter in the book,
" The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne, where she talks about people healing themselves after accidents and with Cancer diagnosis. It is not hocum! It can be done. As soon as the bad news strikes, you have to BELIEVE that you can overcome it with positivity! You HAVE to believe. There is no other way. You HAVE TO. YOU...have to do the work.
In my world, this involves laughing, exploring, talking to people...especially strangers! I talk to people everywhere I go. I love to brighten someone's day by just chatting with them and asking about their lives. Everyone wants to be heard and desires an opportunity to share something of themselves. I said it before about the elderly, and it is true. But ALL people...they are wishing to be heard.
Anyway, hopefully this helps a few people to remember that life is full of beauty and laughter and goodness. When we take the time to admire it, it literally becomes a part of us and we are better off for it! This is the fuel for the vehicle that is your soul. Make it the purest and best fuel you can afford.
Love Everyone and BE Blessed,
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
The Spirit-Driven Life
If the song is true, then LIFE IS A HIGHWAY...meaning that, like a highway, there is a LOOOOOOONG road ahead with many signs, other travellers heading in the same and in different directions....various exits where people may detour for rest, food and adventure...and access points on and off everywhere. On the Highway of life, there is still Daytime and Nightime...sunrises and sunsets. There is scenary to admire and sights that we prefer to look away from. Occassionally we witness a car crash or other tragic event. But the Highway is no place for a vehicle to stop moving. A highway is a place for forward motion. The physical roadway/surfaces will sometimes require repairs or additions/removals...but the infrastructure mainly stays intact with little change.
What really matters? Does your EGO matter? How people view you and see your life? Does it matter a little or a lot? Maybe it doesn't matter enough! You see, we do not need to tolerate being judged...we should live the best life possible! In all ways that we can, we should attempt to do RIGHT. Doing the RIGHT thing matters more than almost anything else. Creating from a place of peace and respect for all, is doing the RIGHT thing. Whatever we attempt to create, begun WRONG, will end wrong. Although our human side wants to believe otherwise, this is true.
Like a Highway, we can take wrong turns...miss an exit or two...have trouble turning around....end up miles away from where we needed to be. But if you know your destination with Certainty...because your SPIRIT is certain...then you must proceed and not be detoured. If you make the wrong turn, it can be corrected. There are many many paths that will lead a person to spirituality. There are many paths that lead to TRUE SPIRITUALITY! There are as many paths as their are souls to follow them...because they are all completely individualized and NO TWO are exactly alike. So we are all like snowflakes on this big beautiful planet.
I am here to tell you that it is never too late for you to find your way. Even on your last day of life, you can find redemption if you desire. But do not let life pass you by, expecting a reward in your afterlife, for how you live while here on this planet as a human being, IS YOUR HEAVEN...and will determine your next phase of existence too. There are many roads of Beliefs on the Afterlife, but you can be sure there IS one. In fact, I will take that thought one step further and suggest that it is not so much an "after"life as it is a parallel life where Spirits and Humans live together at the same time and can overlap one another but mostly do not.
You and I exist in our Human shells right now. But we ARE spirits who exist in shells (bodies). When the body dies, the spirit continues. Sometimes the spirit will make a repeat appearance in bodily form because they still need correction to move into a higher realm. This is why it is SO VITAL that we analyze our intentions and make sure our actions originate from the PUREST SOURCE within us...from the Spirit. The Heart and Mind are not pure...they are easily corrupted by this world. But nothing can ever corrupt the TRUE SPIRIT. Spirit can be destroyed with great effort so DON'T destroy yours.
As always, I love you all dearly and want you to have the best life can offer. It is there for you to embrace and derive joy from...
Love Everyone, and BE Blessed,
What really matters? Does your EGO matter? How people view you and see your life? Does it matter a little or a lot? Maybe it doesn't matter enough! You see, we do not need to tolerate being judged...we should live the best life possible! In all ways that we can, we should attempt to do RIGHT. Doing the RIGHT thing matters more than almost anything else. Creating from a place of peace and respect for all, is doing the RIGHT thing. Whatever we attempt to create, begun WRONG, will end wrong. Although our human side wants to believe otherwise, this is true.
Like a Highway, we can take wrong turns...miss an exit or two...have trouble turning around....end up miles away from where we needed to be. But if you know your destination with Certainty...because your SPIRIT is certain...then you must proceed and not be detoured. If you make the wrong turn, it can be corrected. There are many many paths that will lead a person to spirituality. There are many paths that lead to TRUE SPIRITUALITY! There are as many paths as their are souls to follow them...because they are all completely individualized and NO TWO are exactly alike. So we are all like snowflakes on this big beautiful planet.
I am here to tell you that it is never too late for you to find your way. Even on your last day of life, you can find redemption if you desire. But do not let life pass you by, expecting a reward in your afterlife, for how you live while here on this planet as a human being, IS YOUR HEAVEN...and will determine your next phase of existence too. There are many roads of Beliefs on the Afterlife, but you can be sure there IS one. In fact, I will take that thought one step further and suggest that it is not so much an "after"life as it is a parallel life where Spirits and Humans live together at the same time and can overlap one another but mostly do not.
You and I exist in our Human shells right now. But we ARE spirits who exist in shells (bodies). When the body dies, the spirit continues. Sometimes the spirit will make a repeat appearance in bodily form because they still need correction to move into a higher realm. This is why it is SO VITAL that we analyze our intentions and make sure our actions originate from the PUREST SOURCE within us...from the Spirit. The Heart and Mind are not pure...they are easily corrupted by this world. But nothing can ever corrupt the TRUE SPIRIT. Spirit can be destroyed with great effort so DON'T destroy yours.
As always, I love you all dearly and want you to have the best life can offer. It is there for you to embrace and derive joy from...
Love Everyone, and BE Blessed,
Leave the Past Behind
~Message of Hope~ from Lilac
Always, always, ALWAYS...keep moving forward. DO NOT step into the future and LIVE there, NO. Just keep your eyes fixed ahead but live in THIS MOMENT. THIS VERY SINGULAR and UNIQUE moment is all you truly have. Perhaps you have heard these things before?
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may? Live every moment to it's fullest?
This Blog is not a forum for enforcing a set of rules or assigning tasks. I want my TRUE-LOVE BLOG to inspire HOPE. My wish is that my readers, followers and friends may glean HOPE, confidence, assurance, direction, courage, support and most important: LOVE....when they read any Blog entry here.
There are many forces at work in the universe. There is Gravity. There is Magnetism. There is Radiation. there is Dark Matter. There are Supernatural/Spiritual forces working as well. These two seemingly invisible fields exist together and interact with one another in a delicate dance. Unseen and unable to be perceived using any of our 5 senses, they are there and available to be used by those who will take the time to learn.
YOU...are more than your physical bodies. You are a SPIRITUAL BEING. And the time has come on our planet for you to live in your SPIRIT. Some people will not understand what this means or how to do it. But ALL people have the capacity, and can do it. It is time to allow your SPIRITUAL AWAKENESS.
Today is a good day to start. Today, as Venus Transits the Sun and Neptune slips into Retrograde for the next 14 years....and we have only JUST experienced a Lunar Eclipse (yesterday)...Today, June 5th 2012, is your day to begin.
This above insignia is the perfect one to set as your mantra for your Spiritual Journey.
Remember to remain humble.
We can always impose any idea we want on any person or belief system but our HEARTS can be deceitful. In the Bible, it is said that the HEART is deceitful above all else and BEYOND REPAIR! What does this mean? How can this be so? Everywhere you turn in life people are saying, "follow your heart". This was great advice 50 years ago...when our civilization needed to evolve out of being sheltered and afraid to be ourselves as a society. BUT NOW? I would say, DO NOT follow your heart. Instead I will say:
I personally, can no longer live by the heart. The heart is not where love resides. The heart is where desires and passions reside and these have their place...absolutely. We must allow our passions and desires to have a place, but it is not what should LEAD US AROUND making our decisions for us. Nor should the status quo be that which makes decisions for us. Our choices ought to begin in the vibration of the soul and emerge consciously with effort on our part...the effort of self-discovery.
Guess what friends? This is WORK. It takes an effort. You must work at it. You must ask yourself the tough questions and shake the soul free of the cobwebs. Your first few steps will be much like that of the baby learning to use their motor skills..shaky and slightly mis-directed. But with practice and discipline, you will gain ability and mastery. Anyone who believes they will start out of the gate at full speed, is mistaken.
Whether you believe in GOD as Source, or something else, all is truth and all is light...all is LIGHT. There are dark forces, of course. If there were not, we could not identify Light. But that which works in the dark, although dangerous at times, will fail. It will fail. Humanity is strong in Love...much stronger then they know.
Now...about the Twin Flames....some of you out there will ,and are even at present, connecting or already connected with, your TF. This is a powerful LOVE relationship coupled with intimacy that generates a wonderful vibration and has an effect on people who come into contact with you and your twin. I love to send strong positive energetic waves out to the Twins of the world so that they can continue to do good work together. But even if you are not in a TF relationship, you can still serve your fellow man in powerful ways.
If you are single, and looking for love....then I will be sending strong energetic vibrations for you to find at least a soulmate to pair with. Loneliness is a dangerous place and everyone must do all they can to avoid it...fill up the empty spaces. Try to remember the elderly who are lonesome and could use some company. If you encounter older people somewhere, spend some time and chat with them. Remember they have a lifetime of stories and in some cases, wisdom..to share. Use it. Ask for it. You will benefit and so will they! Life is about mutual benefits. You give people an ear, and they give you insight.
I will wrap up today's Blog entry by reflecting on my chosen title: Leave the Past Behind. Whatever happened yesterday and last week is over now. Keep being positive and believe in you, yourself, your vision, your hopes and your dreams. But most importantly, ask yourself if what you did in the past HONORS your SPIRIT. If it does...then persevere and deepen that. If it doesn't, then you must ADJUST.
I love you all so dearly.
Love Everyone, and BE Blessed!
Always, always, ALWAYS...keep moving forward. DO NOT step into the future and LIVE there, NO. Just keep your eyes fixed ahead but live in THIS MOMENT. THIS VERY SINGULAR and UNIQUE moment is all you truly have. Perhaps you have heard these things before?
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may? Live every moment to it's fullest?
This Blog is not a forum for enforcing a set of rules or assigning tasks. I want my TRUE-LOVE BLOG to inspire HOPE. My wish is that my readers, followers and friends may glean HOPE, confidence, assurance, direction, courage, support and most important: LOVE....when they read any Blog entry here.
There are many forces at work in the universe. There is Gravity. There is Magnetism. There is Radiation. there is Dark Matter. There are Supernatural/Spiritual forces working as well. These two seemingly invisible fields exist together and interact with one another in a delicate dance. Unseen and unable to be perceived using any of our 5 senses, they are there and available to be used by those who will take the time to learn.
YOU...are more than your physical bodies. You are a SPIRITUAL BEING. And the time has come on our planet for you to live in your SPIRIT. Some people will not understand what this means or how to do it. But ALL people have the capacity, and can do it. It is time to allow your SPIRITUAL AWAKENESS.
Today is a good day to start. Today, as Venus Transits the Sun and Neptune slips into Retrograde for the next 14 years....and we have only JUST experienced a Lunar Eclipse (yesterday)...Today, June 5th 2012, is your day to begin.
This above insignia is the perfect one to set as your mantra for your Spiritual Journey.
Remember to remain humble.
We can always impose any idea we want on any person or belief system but our HEARTS can be deceitful. In the Bible, it is said that the HEART is deceitful above all else and BEYOND REPAIR! What does this mean? How can this be so? Everywhere you turn in life people are saying, "follow your heart". This was great advice 50 years ago...when our civilization needed to evolve out of being sheltered and afraid to be ourselves as a society. BUT NOW? I would say, DO NOT follow your heart. Instead I will say:
I personally, can no longer live by the heart. The heart is not where love resides. The heart is where desires and passions reside and these have their place...absolutely. We must allow our passions and desires to have a place, but it is not what should LEAD US AROUND making our decisions for us. Nor should the status quo be that which makes decisions for us. Our choices ought to begin in the vibration of the soul and emerge consciously with effort on our part...the effort of self-discovery.
Guess what friends? This is WORK. It takes an effort. You must work at it. You must ask yourself the tough questions and shake the soul free of the cobwebs. Your first few steps will be much like that of the baby learning to use their motor skills..shaky and slightly mis-directed. But with practice and discipline, you will gain ability and mastery. Anyone who believes they will start out of the gate at full speed, is mistaken.
Whether you believe in GOD as Source, or something else, all is truth and all is light...all is LIGHT. There are dark forces, of course. If there were not, we could not identify Light. But that which works in the dark, although dangerous at times, will fail. It will fail. Humanity is strong in Love...much stronger then they know.
Now...about the Twin Flames....some of you out there will ,and are even at present, connecting or already connected with, your TF. This is a powerful LOVE relationship coupled with intimacy that generates a wonderful vibration and has an effect on people who come into contact with you and your twin. I love to send strong positive energetic waves out to the Twins of the world so that they can continue to do good work together. But even if you are not in a TF relationship, you can still serve your fellow man in powerful ways.
If you are single, and looking for love....then I will be sending strong energetic vibrations for you to find at least a soulmate to pair with. Loneliness is a dangerous place and everyone must do all they can to avoid it...fill up the empty spaces. Try to remember the elderly who are lonesome and could use some company. If you encounter older people somewhere, spend some time and chat with them. Remember they have a lifetime of stories and in some cases, wisdom..to share. Use it. Ask for it. You will benefit and so will they! Life is about mutual benefits. You give people an ear, and they give you insight.
I will wrap up today's Blog entry by reflecting on my chosen title: Leave the Past Behind. Whatever happened yesterday and last week is over now. Keep being positive and believe in you, yourself, your vision, your hopes and your dreams. But most importantly, ask yourself if what you did in the past HONORS your SPIRIT. If it does...then persevere and deepen that. If it doesn't, then you must ADJUST.
I love you all so dearly.
Love Everyone, and BE Blessed!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Love Everyone. Pure and Simple
Good Day True-Lovers! I trust you have been well. I miss writing these Blogs and creating my video blogs (VLOGS). But all things serve a purpose and some run their course. My Blog will not end, but as I stated before I am working on a full-body work and also my life has been busy with myriad changes resulting from my new found understanding of the concepts I have been writing about and sharing about.
Our Purpose...ALL of us on this planet...Our purpose is to LOVE. And we ought to be looking for ways to do so, more deeply all the time. In what way can we better fill our purpose and calling? Are we on the path of our True Destiny? Are we living toward and within and for our Personal Legend? What will be our Legacy when we are gone? Will we ever really be gone?
If these are the questions we should be asking...and living in pursuit of, how many of my readers can honestly say they are living this? I AM. I am living my Personal Legend...my Destiny...my Fate...my Beliefs...I am living FULLY and completely in the LOVE of my Source and with GREAT AWARENESS of my purpose. Decisions that must be made are harder then they appear to be, but they are essential.
For those of you who have followed by True-Love Blog since the start, you will observe that I started this blog February 13th, 2012. I had begun studying concepts after my revelation of Synchronicities beginning on or about January 11th 2012. I was literally STRUCK (as with lightning) by a revelation. I immediately began to research about connectedness and humanity being one as a whole and not separate. I researched SoulMates and learned about the Twin Flame and the Christ consciousness and 2012. I searched my own heart during hours of mediation to determine if I felt that these answers made sense. The universe responded by placing more people, books, information and opportunities in my path.
My Source (My God, My Spirit, My Light)...recognized that my heart was finally open. I had become open and soft and ready and vulnerable and self-aware. This was possibly the first time ever in my life, and so I felt very odd...nervous...emotional. I spent a fair amount of time hiding in February. I was embarrassed by my emotional outbursts. Now I can see that I was becoming open and soft-hearted and ready to change.
That Inner voice told me to sit quietly and contemplate...and also to reach out and begin to make the necessary changes to live the life I was called to live and not the one I have settled for. I have settled. Many years ago I compromised and made concessions for another. I should never have been asked to do so. I should never have agreed. But the Agreement I made was to lose myself for the sake of another person. I did so with a pure heart (out of love for them) at first. But as time passed, and the relationship did not equal my calling, I compromised repeatedly by staying.
It is easy for women to do this...also men do this. But as a woman, we feel that we are doing what is best for our child or children by staying "put". In some cases, like mine, staying "kept". The idea is outdated and serves no purpose now or into the future. It took immense amounts of bravery on my part to decide I was going to leave. And now I sit on the precipice, about to leave the life I have known many years. This change is made easier by the fact that I am blessed with many people who love and support me.
But what made me know I was ready at last? You must ask that question. That question holds within it the only nugget of wisdom upon which to build anything. That is the Cornerstone. I knew, without a doubt, the moment I recognized that I had a purpose to fulfill. It was never enough to be unhappy. It was not ever going to be enough had I found the perfect house or job to go to....and even another person could never be enough reason to turn your life upside down. It had to be the PURPOSE. My LEGACY. My Destiny. My Personal Legend.
Some of us...some humans on the planet right now...are being called to reconnect with their Twin Flames to elevate Humanity and to assist ushering in the new consciousness of Love and Peace to all.
So I am choosing to share the real truth and not what I think is easier for most people to understand. I have to assume that people WILL understand and some will understand sooner than others. Many words that were written thousands of years ago were not understood then, but have great meaning for those of us living in 2012. My writing may be that for future generations and therefore it must be accurate as I know it to be. Our duty as human beings is to LOVE EVERYONE.
The role of Twin Flame Reunion is to increase the vibration of Love on the Planet! What an amazing calling, right? The Twin Lovers come together and by merely heeding the call to love each other, they can help heal the planet...the planet whose vibrational energy has become so depleted by war and chaos and hatred and the Ego of men, that she is literally dying. The Twin Flames whose Souls are one can feel this very deeply and inexplicably. They also feel each other inexplicably. They share emotions, ideas, thoughts, timing of activities is synchronized, all core beliefs are identical. In some cases they even have similar appearances.
Twin Flame Couples can often communicate by psychic means or simple eye contact. Their understanding of the other is so deep that only ONE THING can potentially prevent them from coming together 100% and serving Humanity with their Love. That one thing is EGO. The ego of man tells him that such things do not exist. The Ego of man has the whole of Humanity struggling under this idea of Duality Consciousness....He thinks, She thinks. Two separate minds, two hearts, two souls. When in actuality we are all connected to one another... and in the case of Twin Flames, their souls are the opposite polarity of one another. One has the Masculine and one has the feminine but it is ONE SOUL in two bodies.
The Souls MUST learn to trust in each other 100% and surrender to their purpose. Once they can do this, they see their lives change dramatically. It almost seems irrational to the outside eye. Suddenly, these two "halves" of the soul desire reconnection so deeply that they are unstoppable...excepting only for the ego. If the Ego has control, the two can stay separated. They will be miserable, but they can choose not to reconnect.
When you are reconnecting, You sometimes feel your world is being ripped apart. So you must evaluate it: What am I really losing here? What is to be gained? Remembering...there is a HIGHER PURPOSE.
Now for those who are not in Twin Flame relationships, you may be in another SoulMate relationship...like a marriage. Whatever Love you cultivate heals the planet. All love heals the planet. All love brings us closer to our purpose so remember that in everything you do. Do not give up when times are hard. Do not turn away from some GOOD you can do for someone else right now. Always take every opportunity to express and show and receive LOVE. You are a very important part of the evolution of humanity happening RIGHT NOW.
I wish you all peace. Go out there today and LOVE EVERYONE...and Be Blessed,
Our Purpose...ALL of us on this planet...Our purpose is to LOVE. And we ought to be looking for ways to do so, more deeply all the time. In what way can we better fill our purpose and calling? Are we on the path of our True Destiny? Are we living toward and within and for our Personal Legend? What will be our Legacy when we are gone? Will we ever really be gone?
If these are the questions we should be asking...and living in pursuit of, how many of my readers can honestly say they are living this? I AM. I am living my Personal Legend...my Destiny...my Fate...my Beliefs...I am living FULLY and completely in the LOVE of my Source and with GREAT AWARENESS of my purpose. Decisions that must be made are harder then they appear to be, but they are essential.
For those of you who have followed by True-Love Blog since the start, you will observe that I started this blog February 13th, 2012. I had begun studying concepts after my revelation of Synchronicities beginning on or about January 11th 2012. I was literally STRUCK (as with lightning) by a revelation. I immediately began to research about connectedness and humanity being one as a whole and not separate. I researched SoulMates and learned about the Twin Flame and the Christ consciousness and 2012. I searched my own heart during hours of mediation to determine if I felt that these answers made sense. The universe responded by placing more people, books, information and opportunities in my path.
My Source (My God, My Spirit, My Light)...recognized that my heart was finally open. I had become open and soft and ready and vulnerable and self-aware. This was possibly the first time ever in my life, and so I felt very odd...nervous...emotional. I spent a fair amount of time hiding in February. I was embarrassed by my emotional outbursts. Now I can see that I was becoming open and soft-hearted and ready to change.
That Inner voice told me to sit quietly and contemplate...and also to reach out and begin to make the necessary changes to live the life I was called to live and not the one I have settled for. I have settled. Many years ago I compromised and made concessions for another. I should never have been asked to do so. I should never have agreed. But the Agreement I made was to lose myself for the sake of another person. I did so with a pure heart (out of love for them) at first. But as time passed, and the relationship did not equal my calling, I compromised repeatedly by staying.
It is easy for women to do this...also men do this. But as a woman, we feel that we are doing what is best for our child or children by staying "put". In some cases, like mine, staying "kept". The idea is outdated and serves no purpose now or into the future. It took immense amounts of bravery on my part to decide I was going to leave. And now I sit on the precipice, about to leave the life I have known many years. This change is made easier by the fact that I am blessed with many people who love and support me.
But what made me know I was ready at last? You must ask that question. That question holds within it the only nugget of wisdom upon which to build anything. That is the Cornerstone. I knew, without a doubt, the moment I recognized that I had a purpose to fulfill. It was never enough to be unhappy. It was not ever going to be enough had I found the perfect house or job to go to....and even another person could never be enough reason to turn your life upside down. It had to be the PURPOSE. My LEGACY. My Destiny. My Personal Legend.
Some of us...some humans on the planet right now...are being called to reconnect with their Twin Flames to elevate Humanity and to assist ushering in the new consciousness of Love and Peace to all.
So I am choosing to share the real truth and not what I think is easier for most people to understand. I have to assume that people WILL understand and some will understand sooner than others. Many words that were written thousands of years ago were not understood then, but have great meaning for those of us living in 2012. My writing may be that for future generations and therefore it must be accurate as I know it to be. Our duty as human beings is to LOVE EVERYONE.
The role of Twin Flame Reunion is to increase the vibration of Love on the Planet! What an amazing calling, right? The Twin Lovers come together and by merely heeding the call to love each other, they can help heal the planet...the planet whose vibrational energy has become so depleted by war and chaos and hatred and the Ego of men, that she is literally dying. The Twin Flames whose Souls are one can feel this very deeply and inexplicably. They also feel each other inexplicably. They share emotions, ideas, thoughts, timing of activities is synchronized, all core beliefs are identical. In some cases they even have similar appearances.
Twin Flame Couples can often communicate by psychic means or simple eye contact. Their understanding of the other is so deep that only ONE THING can potentially prevent them from coming together 100% and serving Humanity with their Love. That one thing is EGO. The ego of man tells him that such things do not exist. The Ego of man has the whole of Humanity struggling under this idea of Duality Consciousness....He thinks, She thinks. Two separate minds, two hearts, two souls. When in actuality we are all connected to one another... and in the case of Twin Flames, their souls are the opposite polarity of one another. One has the Masculine and one has the feminine but it is ONE SOUL in two bodies.
The Souls MUST learn to trust in each other 100% and surrender to their purpose. Once they can do this, they see their lives change dramatically. It almost seems irrational to the outside eye. Suddenly, these two "halves" of the soul desire reconnection so deeply that they are unstoppable...excepting only for the ego. If the Ego has control, the two can stay separated. They will be miserable, but they can choose not to reconnect.
When you are reconnecting, You sometimes feel your world is being ripped apart. So you must evaluate it: What am I really losing here? What is to be gained? Remembering...there is a HIGHER PURPOSE.
Now for those who are not in Twin Flame relationships, you may be in another SoulMate relationship...like a marriage. Whatever Love you cultivate heals the planet. All love heals the planet. All love brings us closer to our purpose so remember that in everything you do. Do not give up when times are hard. Do not turn away from some GOOD you can do for someone else right now. Always take every opportunity to express and show and receive LOVE. You are a very important part of the evolution of humanity happening RIGHT NOW.
I wish you all peace. Go out there today and LOVE EVERYONE...and Be Blessed,
Sunday, April 15, 2012
What we Learn from Twin Flame Love
By now, those of you who read my blogs know that I subscribe to the belief system of Divine Love. This means that Love is the greatest power in the universe and it is our calling to love others and be loved ourselves. Essential to this, is Loving ourselves. In order to love Humanity, we must first love Self.
"wherever you stand, be the soul of that place". Rumi
Rumi had a beautiful and poetic way with wording deeper ideas of Love. For someone to have that wisdom in his lifetime....WAY before this Ascension of 2012, is nearly a miracle! And here we are quoting him and being inspired by him! It is much easier NOW than it has ever been in all of human history, to LOVE and understand love. Many people are not tapping into it and not allowing it to transform them. But transformation is the current requirement. This is what we are facing in 2012.
Identifying Twin Flame Pairings, is something totally new to me. I have read many profiles of couples who proclaim to be Twin Flames and they have common threads. One of the greatest identifiers of a Twin Flame Love is that the pair have some sort of "other-worldly" way of communicating, understanding and accepting one another. It bypasses and exceeds all other previously used modes of relation. It is this very idea of being able to communicate without using words, that fascinates and excites me about all the many possibilities before us...before all of humanity.
Another aspect of Twin Flame Love that is difficult for the
3-dimensional thinkers of the world to understand, is the idea that separation is painful. When the Twin Hearts are not together, they are in pain and suffering. In order to survive this, they must develop a deep Spiritual Connection to one another and to their Divine Source. This is done through various techniques, such as Meditation and Prayer and also Deep Breathing and Chanting ... Channeling the energies of any persons they need to connect with. Having this depth of communication-ability allows either Twin, when not with the other, to have deep connections with ALL people they meet and encounter. It allows the Twin to become the kind of Person that reaches others at the heart level and does it quickly!
If you are not in a TF relationship, I wonder if you can imagine feeling so complete with another person, that there is almost no need for words! And you are not just a happy couple..you are incredibly productive! Ideas quickly surface and become actionable...suggestions shared are compounded. It is like magic happening before your very eyes and others can see it too. Things happen naturally, quickly and effectively. They generally happen with ease and benefit not just the Couple but all parties involved. This is the healthiest kind of relationship. All relationships are striving to be what the Twin Flame Pairing is by nature. Our own human nature will always be a constant drawback to being perfect. Even Twin Flame Couples are not perfect...they just strive for perfection because their souls can never be at rest. There is too much spiritual work to do and it pushes them and pushes them.
The Twin Flame Couples are here to serve humanity. In what way will they do this? They are attempting to correct the backwards thinking that has been so prevalent for centuries...pertaining to love and intimacy. They are here to restore the balance of the Yin and Yang and to usher back the Divine Feminine to the Center of the universe. For centuries, our Social Structures have been driven by the desires of the Masculine which is deeply out of touch with the Spiritual side of life. This has brought Fear, War and Greed to our world. Now is the time for the great shift of ages that will allow humanity to benefit from the deeply spiritual side of life...the Feminine heart.
When Real Love appears, people turn a blind eye. They use what they have always used to understand: Their own limited knowledge and ability. Only with searching our souls and digging deeper into our darkness, will we discover our true light. We ARE the Light of the world. We CREATE our own destinies. The Path we are meant to be on is one of happiness, Love, Peace and Understanding. This IS the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
Thank you for reading my Blogs!
Love Everyone today...and BE BLESSED!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
The Birth Pains of Love
There is clearly a theme happening here...the theme of the week is PAIN and HURT where Love is involved.
When I was a practicing Christian, I was taught about Heaven and Hell. Clearly if there were an actual place that could be called Hell, then there is an awareness of Hurt and Pain as part of the cycle of things. But the really dominant theme in this paradigm of Heaven and Hell is actually FEAR. Would you not agree that Christianity in the Bible is designed to create fear in a person in order to keep them on the "Right Path"? Are we cattle? Are we horses? Do we need to be whipped so we blindly march onward carrying our load in life? Where is the LOVE and HAPPINESS in that? I reject this paradigm completely. I completely and totally and wholeheartedly reject the idea of a Hell awaiting anyone who does not "DO" certain things to be "Saved". It is a lie...the GREATEST of all lies the Deceiver has used to blind us to the fact that WE ALL WERE CREATED TO LIVE A LIFE OF PURE AND TOTAL HAPPINESS AND LOVE....AT ALL TIMES...IN ALL WAYS. Pleasure is not Evil.
By now I have just pissed off half my readers. Feel free to stop reading because I am not done yet.
My life journey right now...at it's present juncture...has me closely examining my SELF LOVE. This is long overdue. I have found tools that I never realized existed and opened doors I never observed were even closed! When I started to be really OPEN...and TRUE to MY SELF...My real self, not my shell (EGO)...I saw who was really in there. I saw her. I remembered her! I saw the person I was supposed to be and wasn't Being. I could clearly make out the details of her life. Let me describe her to you because those of you who know me, probably see it too. And then do me a favor...those of you who know me...measure her up against the person you see me "Acting" like for the past 20 years...
I am AngelMarie VanGyzen, 37 years old and raised on a farm by a Truck Driver Dad who was also a Rocker/Biker and a Mom who was a Farmer/Fisherwoman/Hunter-gatherer/Mystic/Music Lover. I spent my childhood loving music, nature, and country living. I always wanted the white-picket fence and family. I love to drive cars...ride bikes, hike and do creative and expressive things like sing, dance and write. I believe I should be in a vocation (earning money) in some form as a counselor or teacher, minister or therapist...because I LOVE people and I LOVE to help and I understand how people can fix themselves on a deeper level than the average person. I WANT to take my kids all over the world...I am NOT a home-body. I DISLIKE television and prefer to be outside and on the go. I want LOVE...a loving partner who touches me and hugs me and supports me emotionally, understanding me deeply and really understanding the ABUSE of my childhood and now my adult life. This person would need to really be a deeply sensitive human being.
But the life I live has been full of SHATTERED hopes and myriad disappointments...much like my childhood. My (existing) partner does not act like what I described and I have the shell (outer casing only) of the white-picket fence and family thing I described. You see...every thought and dream forms a physical reality and what I did with my dreams and hopes was I created it the closest I could with NO LOVE FOR My own TRUE SELF. I was able to believe that I could have children and a home and a little home business...and so I got those things. But I was UNABLE to accept that ANYONE could truly LOVE me...Love ME...the REAL me. And so my vision was sabotaged by my subconscious mind. There is a movie reel running underneath your ( and my) conscious mind...in the deep recesses of the subconscious parts...that is the place where the correction MUST happen before you can become free of this kind of sabotaged thinking. If you want to love yourself, you must set your mind free. When you do this, you will discover the real self. Then the hardest part of all: You must allow your true self to become FULLY SELF-ACTUALIZED. What this means is, you must allow the love to flow from the sources where it exists and where it needs to go. You must learn to recognize when you are trying to block its flow and when you are resisting letting in. You must learn to trust certain people and situations that your EGO is telling you not to trust. Your eyes will then be open.
With open eyes and a soft heart, you will see how the people you sometimes have trusted and relied upon have this amazing ability to deceive you or lie to you or, misguided as they are...try to govern your life for you! For some of you this is occurring within a parent-child relationship and for others, within a marriage. For me...it is everywhere...it is all of these and more. I have Opponents and Supporters from the Circles of Family, Friends and Children and even strangers. How I recognize them is simple. Do they accept the REAL me that is now on the Surface of my life? Or do they reject me or any part of me? Let me be clear...My Decisions are ME. My Twin Flame is ME. My work is ME. My children are ME. My Home is ME. My Words are ME.
I am a patient individual. So if I get the feeling that someone is struggling to understand my changes, I do TRY first to answer questions and doubts...but if I recognize the Opponent is going to dominate any person, then I simply let go of them. In time, they may overcome the power the opponent has over them...but until that time, I move along to the next person in my life or who crosses my path and I offer them all the love I can and an opportunity to see my Authentic Self. If they can handle it, I have a Supporter. If they cannot, I move along. This is how we must maneuver if we are going to allow Love to Flow freely.
The Heaven and Hell Paradigm does not exist to allow freely flowing love. Therefore this concept was manmade and full of impurities. If you are living an inauthentic life and not experiencing what you Love...then you are already living in Hell. And here's something for you to bounce from: It is only as Miserable as you are willing to let it be! If you want to BE something else...then BE IT. If you want to DO something else...then DO IT. You can LIVE a completely and totally different life and it does not need to take years and years to make the changes. Just CHANGE. JUST do it....do it for yourself and for the Love of Self. You deserve every happiness.
Love Everyone and BE BLESSED!
When I was a practicing Christian, I was taught about Heaven and Hell. Clearly if there were an actual place that could be called Hell, then there is an awareness of Hurt and Pain as part of the cycle of things. But the really dominant theme in this paradigm of Heaven and Hell is actually FEAR. Would you not agree that Christianity in the Bible is designed to create fear in a person in order to keep them on the "Right Path"? Are we cattle? Are we horses? Do we need to be whipped so we blindly march onward carrying our load in life? Where is the LOVE and HAPPINESS in that? I reject this paradigm completely. I completely and totally and wholeheartedly reject the idea of a Hell awaiting anyone who does not "DO" certain things to be "Saved". It is a lie...the GREATEST of all lies the Deceiver has used to blind us to the fact that WE ALL WERE CREATED TO LIVE A LIFE OF PURE AND TOTAL HAPPINESS AND LOVE....AT ALL TIMES...IN ALL WAYS. Pleasure is not Evil.
By now I have just pissed off half my readers. Feel free to stop reading because I am not done yet.
My life journey right now...at it's present juncture...has me closely examining my SELF LOVE. This is long overdue. I have found tools that I never realized existed and opened doors I never observed were even closed! When I started to be really OPEN...and TRUE to MY SELF...My real self, not my shell (EGO)...I saw who was really in there. I saw her. I remembered her! I saw the person I was supposed to be and wasn't Being. I could clearly make out the details of her life. Let me describe her to you because those of you who know me, probably see it too. And then do me a favor...those of you who know me...measure her up against the person you see me "Acting" like for the past 20 years...
I am AngelMarie VanGyzen, 37 years old and raised on a farm by a Truck Driver Dad who was also a Rocker/Biker and a Mom who was a Farmer/Fisherwoman/Hunter-gatherer/Mystic/Music Lover. I spent my childhood loving music, nature, and country living. I always wanted the white-picket fence and family. I love to drive cars...ride bikes, hike and do creative and expressive things like sing, dance and write. I believe I should be in a vocation (earning money) in some form as a counselor or teacher, minister or therapist...because I LOVE people and I LOVE to help and I understand how people can fix themselves on a deeper level than the average person. I WANT to take my kids all over the world...I am NOT a home-body. I DISLIKE television and prefer to be outside and on the go. I want LOVE...a loving partner who touches me and hugs me and supports me emotionally, understanding me deeply and really understanding the ABUSE of my childhood and now my adult life. This person would need to really be a deeply sensitive human being.
But the life I live has been full of SHATTERED hopes and myriad disappointments...much like my childhood. My (existing) partner does not act like what I described and I have the shell (outer casing only) of the white-picket fence and family thing I described. You see...every thought and dream forms a physical reality and what I did with my dreams and hopes was I created it the closest I could with NO LOVE FOR My own TRUE SELF. I was able to believe that I could have children and a home and a little home business...and so I got those things. But I was UNABLE to accept that ANYONE could truly LOVE me...Love ME...the REAL me. And so my vision was sabotaged by my subconscious mind. There is a movie reel running underneath your ( and my) conscious mind...in the deep recesses of the subconscious parts...that is the place where the correction MUST happen before you can become free of this kind of sabotaged thinking. If you want to love yourself, you must set your mind free. When you do this, you will discover the real self. Then the hardest part of all: You must allow your true self to become FULLY SELF-ACTUALIZED. What this means is, you must allow the love to flow from the sources where it exists and where it needs to go. You must learn to recognize when you are trying to block its flow and when you are resisting letting in. You must learn to trust certain people and situations that your EGO is telling you not to trust. Your eyes will then be open.
With open eyes and a soft heart, you will see how the people you sometimes have trusted and relied upon have this amazing ability to deceive you or lie to you or, misguided as they are...try to govern your life for you! For some of you this is occurring within a parent-child relationship and for others, within a marriage. For me...it is everywhere...it is all of these and more. I have Opponents and Supporters from the Circles of Family, Friends and Children and even strangers. How I recognize them is simple. Do they accept the REAL me that is now on the Surface of my life? Or do they reject me or any part of me? Let me be clear...My Decisions are ME. My Twin Flame is ME. My work is ME. My children are ME. My Home is ME. My Words are ME.
I am a patient individual. So if I get the feeling that someone is struggling to understand my changes, I do TRY first to answer questions and doubts...but if I recognize the Opponent is going to dominate any person, then I simply let go of them. In time, they may overcome the power the opponent has over them...but until that time, I move along to the next person in my life or who crosses my path and I offer them all the love I can and an opportunity to see my Authentic Self. If they can handle it, I have a Supporter. If they cannot, I move along. This is how we must maneuver if we are going to allow Love to Flow freely.
The Heaven and Hell Paradigm does not exist to allow freely flowing love. Therefore this concept was manmade and full of impurities. If you are living an inauthentic life and not experiencing what you Love...then you are already living in Hell. And here's something for you to bounce from: It is only as Miserable as you are willing to let it be! If you want to BE something else...then BE IT. If you want to DO something else...then DO IT. You can LIVE a completely and totally different life and it does not need to take years and years to make the changes. Just CHANGE. JUST do it....do it for yourself and for the Love of Self. You deserve every happiness.
Love Everyone and BE BLESSED!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Love Hurts
Love DOES hurt. It just doesn't hurt in the ways people occassionally fantasize that it does. Love is TRUTH and the TRUTH hurts. Love forces us to see ourselves...face ourselves. Love causes us to change and deepen and evolve and grow. If any of those conditions do not exist or are not happening, then I am SORRY to have to tell you this but whatever it is you are living is NOT Love. It may have droplets of love somewhere within it but love that encompasses, surrounds and fulfills...this Love can only exist when we Fully Actualize our Truth.
A man needs a woman. A man literally exists and does so for the need of the woman. A woman exists for the need of the man. The two polarizing opposites require one another. They cannot just connect instantly like a negative and positive charge...NO! They need Restriction, and Resistance. Think of the job a filament plays in the lightbulb...the positive charge is the energy while the negative charge is a vessel to collect the energy. In order for this to work, the filament must refract...resist...and send that blast of raw energy back to its source! The source and the vessel must be one. They exist for each other! They are nothing without each other.
With Twin Flames, the Love connection is very intense. Unlike the love of soulmates and karmic lovers, TF's have synchronicities that occur with great frequency...heightened sensitivities to the thoughts, feelings and experiences of the Twin and a deep understanding of the knowledge that they are together not only to satisfy themselves but for a service to humanity. Their love has the capacity to heal other people and the Earth herself. With Great Power...comes Great Responsibility. The first responsibility is to answer the call. When the representation of your Twin appears...even if it means turning your world around..you must fearlessly go.
I understand this love because I have felt it. No one is more aware of how difficult it can be...no one. I understand it and I share about it and I believe in it! My Twin Flame and I share one soul in two bodies. The bodies remaining separated are always in pain. When together and reunited they are healthy and happy. Apart, they are incomplete and searching. My Twin and I share mental energy. When one of us needs to focus on something really important, the other must sacrifice the energy. We have learned to share it. Together we are overcoming obstacles at a rate of speed that cannot be humanly possible...it is from the Divine.
LOVE is not fragile...but the heart can be fragile when it tries to contain all the love it can. A vessel must always freely flow~Love must flow...freely...constantly.
The Twin Flame is not fragile or delicate but it is easily hurt by the sorrows of this world because in order to experience Twin Flame Love, you must have the ability to feel and sense these deeper nuances of energy. The world, and the darker souls among it really want to injure the tender-hearted and so they create a veil that hides real love from view. Even the heart THIRSTY for love can sometimes be deceived or unable to recognize it. The only way to hear is to listen with your heart. The only way to feel it, is to feel in your soul. The only way to believe is to TRUST and have faith. The only way to be understood is to live the life.
All life and all manifestations of love in any varying degree, is still love! People need to be encouraged for showing even the smallest amount of love for their fellow man! Every ounce counts.
Love Everyone and Be Blessed,
A man needs a woman. A man literally exists and does so for the need of the woman. A woman exists for the need of the man. The two polarizing opposites require one another. They cannot just connect instantly like a negative and positive charge...NO! They need Restriction, and Resistance. Think of the job a filament plays in the lightbulb...the positive charge is the energy while the negative charge is a vessel to collect the energy. In order for this to work, the filament must refract...resist...and send that blast of raw energy back to its source! The source and the vessel must be one. They exist for each other! They are nothing without each other.
With Twin Flames, the Love connection is very intense. Unlike the love of soulmates and karmic lovers, TF's have synchronicities that occur with great frequency...heightened sensitivities to the thoughts, feelings and experiences of the Twin and a deep understanding of the knowledge that they are together not only to satisfy themselves but for a service to humanity. Their love has the capacity to heal other people and the Earth herself. With Great Power...comes Great Responsibility. The first responsibility is to answer the call. When the representation of your Twin appears...even if it means turning your world around..you must fearlessly go.
I understand this love because I have felt it. No one is more aware of how difficult it can be...no one. I understand it and I share about it and I believe in it! My Twin Flame and I share one soul in two bodies. The bodies remaining separated are always in pain. When together and reunited they are healthy and happy. Apart, they are incomplete and searching. My Twin and I share mental energy. When one of us needs to focus on something really important, the other must sacrifice the energy. We have learned to share it. Together we are overcoming obstacles at a rate of speed that cannot be humanly possible...it is from the Divine.
LOVE is not fragile...but the heart can be fragile when it tries to contain all the love it can. A vessel must always freely flow~Love must flow...freely...constantly.
The Twin Flame is not fragile or delicate but it is easily hurt by the sorrows of this world because in order to experience Twin Flame Love, you must have the ability to feel and sense these deeper nuances of energy. The world, and the darker souls among it really want to injure the tender-hearted and so they create a veil that hides real love from view. Even the heart THIRSTY for love can sometimes be deceived or unable to recognize it. The only way to hear is to listen with your heart. The only way to feel it, is to feel in your soul. The only way to believe is to TRUST and have faith. The only way to be understood is to live the life.
All life and all manifestations of love in any varying degree, is still love! People need to be encouraged for showing even the smallest amount of love for their fellow man! Every ounce counts.
Love Everyone and Be Blessed,
Friday, April 6, 2012
Enlightenment of Love
Real love is so powerful that when it strikes you...in the heart...you will feel enlightened. You should literally feel like you are walking on air. This is a good way to describe
"new love". Many people who have been with their love for a long time probably don't share that initial excitement anymore. This is logical...familiarity has a way of making things that were once extremely exciting, into something dull. But LOVE is not and never can be dull. The first thing to accept if you are on the path of True Love (which I hope you ALL are)....is that you must Be Your Real Self. Once you can identify with those deeply held beliefs and desires that are the real you, then you can progress to the next level. At level 2, you will be asked to surrender your ego and your pride. In doing this you can step away from the
3-dimensional ideas of love...the love we all know and recognize that has existed on this planet for centuries.
The world has many ideas of what love is. What love is and what its purpose is...well, these are the major questions we ought to all be asking. What is the purpose of love and attraction? Like gravity, it creates a pull...and links things together. Those things that want to be linked create the energy and vibration of love. In some instances, these linking-ups are Divinely Created. In other words, they are not inclinations, but storms! This kind of Love exists in the Twin Flame Love Essence and believe me, if you are experiencing it, YOU WILL KNOW. Everything around you will just change....and it cannot resist changing. It must cast off all the chains and burdens of whatever is not healthy for the flame and it remains at it's simplest and most pure form. Imagine such a pure love that even the angels conspire to help you find it...here on earth.
Even if you have loved or been married or ARE married to someone....your heart will completely change at the discovery of Twin Flame Love. The Twin Flame Love is the greatest, strongest and most passionate connection known to anyone in the universe. All people have been split apart into Female and Male counterparts and allowed to separate in order that they may reunite when they have spiritually evolved. When they desire real Unity and Oneness, then they may draw the Twin to them. Have you ever known a couple like this? Would you be able to recognize them if you saw them? What if it were you...and you found your Twin? Would you run away from them? Or do you think you would have the courage to change everything for love? So much is at stake if you do not choose love.
Twin Flame Unity is essential...and for those experiencing this right now in 2012, as we are at the turning point of Global change, it is more necessary than ever for Twins to express their love in ALL ways and be fearless. I am so eager to share my personal story, and the time will come when I can. For now, I simply will say that I am writing from personal knowledge on this. The Twin appearing in your life is a realization like no other. You literally go from darkness to light...from not knowing to knowing. From feeling nothing to feeling everything. Nothing could be more powerful.
The candles in this picture above are standing side by side and burning their light. The rich symbolism should be interpreted as the two are strong and cast their own light. They stay in exactly the right proximity to one another to allow 1 and 1 to be a new product (not a melded or blended one)...the number 11.
This new product is a pairing, Divinely blessed and inspired. Under the outer facade that the world can see with naked eyes, there are two souls, living in earth shells, whose minds are alight with heavenly consciousness and a desire to shine that light into the world and into all other people's lives. They share the desire to use their love for good...for healing and for Unification and for restoring balance to Mother Earth. The Twins are twins...inseparable and mirror images of each other. Anyone who opens their heart can feel what these two hearts are illuminating. Some will choose not to see or feel or bask in it, while others will feel it instantly.
Celestial creatures...here on earth. They dwell in the dreamstate. They elevate their soul frequencies and then they share this magentic burst of concentrated and pure love with everyone they meet. Do you know anyone who is like this? No one is perfect all the time, but have you ever been around someone who really gives off love and encouragement and gentleness and kindness...nearly all the time? Perhaps it is you. Maybe you are that person and you should be thanked! It is your contribution to the frequency of love that is healing this planet and restoring balance everywhere around it. If you believe you may be part of a Twin Flame Pairing, there is support. You are not alone! I would love to hear from you.
Soon...very soon...I will be able to share more about this on a deeply personal level. Until then, this way of sharing will have to be enough to keep my readers collected and open and receiving from me. I appreciate the support I receive from each one of you and I would be nearly lost without it.
Love Everyone and Be Blessed,
"new love". Many people who have been with their love for a long time probably don't share that initial excitement anymore. This is logical...familiarity has a way of making things that were once extremely exciting, into something dull. But LOVE is not and never can be dull. The first thing to accept if you are on the path of True Love (which I hope you ALL are)....is that you must Be Your Real Self. Once you can identify with those deeply held beliefs and desires that are the real you, then you can progress to the next level. At level 2, you will be asked to surrender your ego and your pride. In doing this you can step away from the
3-dimensional ideas of love...the love we all know and recognize that has existed on this planet for centuries.
The world has many ideas of what love is. What love is and what its purpose is...well, these are the major questions we ought to all be asking. What is the purpose of love and attraction? Like gravity, it creates a pull...and links things together. Those things that want to be linked create the energy and vibration of love. In some instances, these linking-ups are Divinely Created. In other words, they are not inclinations, but storms! This kind of Love exists in the Twin Flame Love Essence and believe me, if you are experiencing it, YOU WILL KNOW. Everything around you will just change....and it cannot resist changing. It must cast off all the chains and burdens of whatever is not healthy for the flame and it remains at it's simplest and most pure form. Imagine such a pure love that even the angels conspire to help you find it...here on earth.
Even if you have loved or been married or ARE married to someone....your heart will completely change at the discovery of Twin Flame Love. The Twin Flame Love is the greatest, strongest and most passionate connection known to anyone in the universe. All people have been split apart into Female and Male counterparts and allowed to separate in order that they may reunite when they have spiritually evolved. When they desire real Unity and Oneness, then they may draw the Twin to them. Have you ever known a couple like this? Would you be able to recognize them if you saw them? What if it were you...and you found your Twin? Would you run away from them? Or do you think you would have the courage to change everything for love? So much is at stake if you do not choose love.
Twin Flame Unity is essential...and for those experiencing this right now in 2012, as we are at the turning point of Global change, it is more necessary than ever for Twins to express their love in ALL ways and be fearless. I am so eager to share my personal story, and the time will come when I can. For now, I simply will say that I am writing from personal knowledge on this. The Twin appearing in your life is a realization like no other. You literally go from darkness to light...from not knowing to knowing. From feeling nothing to feeling everything. Nothing could be more powerful.
The candles in this picture above are standing side by side and burning their light. The rich symbolism should be interpreted as the two are strong and cast their own light. They stay in exactly the right proximity to one another to allow 1 and 1 to be a new product (not a melded or blended one)...the number 11.
This new product is a pairing, Divinely blessed and inspired. Under the outer facade that the world can see with naked eyes, there are two souls, living in earth shells, whose minds are alight with heavenly consciousness and a desire to shine that light into the world and into all other people's lives. They share the desire to use their love for good...for healing and for Unification and for restoring balance to Mother Earth. The Twins are twins...inseparable and mirror images of each other. Anyone who opens their heart can feel what these two hearts are illuminating. Some will choose not to see or feel or bask in it, while others will feel it instantly.
Celestial creatures...here on earth. They dwell in the dreamstate. They elevate their soul frequencies and then they share this magentic burst of concentrated and pure love with everyone they meet. Do you know anyone who is like this? No one is perfect all the time, but have you ever been around someone who really gives off love and encouragement and gentleness and kindness...nearly all the time? Perhaps it is you. Maybe you are that person and you should be thanked! It is your contribution to the frequency of love that is healing this planet and restoring balance everywhere around it. If you believe you may be part of a Twin Flame Pairing, there is support. You are not alone! I would love to hear from you.
Soon...very soon...I will be able to share more about this on a deeply personal level. Until then, this way of sharing will have to be enough to keep my readers collected and open and receiving from me. I appreciate the support I receive from each one of you and I would be nearly lost without it.
Love Everyone and Be Blessed,
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Fascinated with Love
Hi everyone! I cannot wait to get back to creating Vlogs for the True-Love Blog. I have been taking a forced hiatis due to some hyperactive children! But since I will have a bit of a down-time coming up over the next 2 weeks, expect more of the daily postings and musings of the "Love Lover". I am proud to call myself a Love Lover. I am happy to see and feel and hear people in love. It is not my place to judge whether or not people are in love...it os only my place to recognize it and allow it to fascinate me.
I met a couple tonight who love each other. It almost was a surprise to see it. I love being in the company of people who love each other. Have you ever been around lovers who really are tuned-into one another...who really "get" each other? It's not about whether they have every detailed knowledge of their lover...although with years of time together, these types most definitely will have that information engraved in their minds. No, instead it is about the power they have to be in the moment and truly in love...sharing love with everyone, and not just each other. This is what separates the true lovers from those just trying to make it look good.
I have come to learn...relatively recently, that you can expect to find love in the most unexpected places, people and circumstances. If you think you know how love is coming to you...think again! You may discover that it arrives in very different vessel than the one you imagine. Or it comes at the "wrong" time...forcing you to make tough choices. It comes, however, not to just deliver pleasure...it comes to deliver salvation. If you fail to recognize it and embrace it when it comes, you may not get another chance...or you may be full of regret.
The Taoists, Buddhists and Transcendentalists tell us to look within for the answers. This expression must cause a lot of confusion. I interpret this as a commandment to dedicating time sitting quietly reflecting upon our values using our silent mind not fixed on anything at all. In that space of quiet consciousness...images, feelings and words appear. These are from the soul. What are your soul's words? What do the images look like and feel like and make you think of? This is how the conversation will go between your soul's vibration and your conscious mind. In order to understand and interpret, you must familiarize yourself with the language of your soul. The more you hear it, the more you will understand it and soon, you will simply speak it. This will be the point when your outer world, your reality...are the pictures you saw and felt and then created in your life.
What do we do when the foundations for love have been laid and are stable? How can we even determine if they are stable at all? Can anyone honestly be certain of anything and completely safe from any harm? My guess is that we cannot ever be any more than 100% Certain within our soul. But even if we are, there is always the possibility of unforeseen circumstances in life. If that happens, we must persist with love. We cannot grow bitter when a great love runs cold. So many people give up after being "burned" by love. But they fail to see that Love only burns because it is powerful...that is not love which cuts you down or destroys your faith...that is fear, disunity and a lack of harmony that create those environments. As my Twin Flame would call it, "CHAOS". This concept of chaos is so valid..in so many ways. Anything that is not Love, is Chaos. Anything that is not Light is Darkness. There are no shaded places. The space between the two is a very small threshold. It is delicate. People can be changed in an instant.
These are the thoughts I will leave with you tonight...more tomorrow. I love you all.
Love Everyone, and Be Blessed,
I met a couple tonight who love each other. It almost was a surprise to see it. I love being in the company of people who love each other. Have you ever been around lovers who really are tuned-into one another...who really "get" each other? It's not about whether they have every detailed knowledge of their lover...although with years of time together, these types most definitely will have that information engraved in their minds. No, instead it is about the power they have to be in the moment and truly in love...sharing love with everyone, and not just each other. This is what separates the true lovers from those just trying to make it look good.
I have come to learn...relatively recently, that you can expect to find love in the most unexpected places, people and circumstances. If you think you know how love is coming to you...think again! You may discover that it arrives in very different vessel than the one you imagine. Or it comes at the "wrong" time...forcing you to make tough choices. It comes, however, not to just deliver pleasure...it comes to deliver salvation. If you fail to recognize it and embrace it when it comes, you may not get another chance...or you may be full of regret.
The Taoists, Buddhists and Transcendentalists tell us to look within for the answers. This expression must cause a lot of confusion. I interpret this as a commandment to dedicating time sitting quietly reflecting upon our values using our silent mind not fixed on anything at all. In that space of quiet consciousness...images, feelings and words appear. These are from the soul. What are your soul's words? What do the images look like and feel like and make you think of? This is how the conversation will go between your soul's vibration and your conscious mind. In order to understand and interpret, you must familiarize yourself with the language of your soul. The more you hear it, the more you will understand it and soon, you will simply speak it. This will be the point when your outer world, your reality...are the pictures you saw and felt and then created in your life.
What do we do when the foundations for love have been laid and are stable? How can we even determine if they are stable at all? Can anyone honestly be certain of anything and completely safe from any harm? My guess is that we cannot ever be any more than 100% Certain within our soul. But even if we are, there is always the possibility of unforeseen circumstances in life. If that happens, we must persist with love. We cannot grow bitter when a great love runs cold. So many people give up after being "burned" by love. But they fail to see that Love only burns because it is powerful...that is not love which cuts you down or destroys your faith...that is fear, disunity and a lack of harmony that create those environments. As my Twin Flame would call it, "CHAOS". This concept of chaos is so valid..in so many ways. Anything that is not Love, is Chaos. Anything that is not Light is Darkness. There are no shaded places. The space between the two is a very small threshold. It is delicate. People can be changed in an instant.
These are the thoughts I will leave with you tonight...more tomorrow. I love you all.
Love Everyone, and Be Blessed,
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Love is All Around You
Love is...
All around you.
Love is knocking...
Outside your door.
Waiting for you, is this love made just for two.
Keep it on and you'll find Love again, I know.
Tesla, Lovesong
There are many Love Stories out there. I enjoy most of them...whether personally told to me or seen in a movie or read in a book. I am a sucker for a great love story. I can glean many things from the various ones I have heard. I am no longer surprised at the common links between them. I can easily identify with one or more characters within any given love story. Can you? What has been your love story in life? I would very much like to hear it. Please leave me comments.
As for me, I am presently writing my Love Story. And someday, I will have written that love story. And people everywhere will be moved to tears as they read my Love story. I am exitting the saddest phase now...and entering into a deeper place of Self-Love and Self-Awareness and also of the awareness of real love. I am surrounded by it. I am the Love I wish to feel. I give the Love I wish to have returned to me. I adore the people and places and situations that comprise my life right now. Do you? Are you embracing your life or are you victimized by your life circumstances? If you are being the victim right now...it is not too late to change! Get positive! Read, "The Secret", by Rhonda Byrne...or better yet, get the video! Familiarize yourself with the Universal Law of Love and Attraction.
You will be amazed. the Law of Attraction should have its own Infomercial...seriously. When I see an Infomercial about a cool product, I get excited to go out and get that product because it will make my life easier, or better in some way. Well, that is exactly what the LoA will do. By design, it has no other purpose! I wonder what that infomercial would look like...How much would such a breakthrough cost a person? How about...it's free! You just have to pay the gatekeeper by way of REAL FAITH in the process. This is a high price to pay for miracles. But you want the miracle product, right? I do! I do! I really really, deep down in my heart and soul...I do want a miracle!
In some ways, this blog has had a certain element of cryptic knowledge...given by a woman who believes in Love but does not have Love, not yet. My point in creating this Blog was to allow my readers, myself and one day, my children...to observe the POWER that comes from Personal Transformation. Like our Lord Jesus, I had to allow myself to personally face the most painful, excruciating situation I could possibly imagine (for me, not so much physical pain as emotional), and to place my FAITH in the ultimate goodness of the Universal energy that ALWAYS comes to those who believe. Even in death, we can be saved.
This transformation takes time...have you personally seen changes? Those of you who know me..have you witnessed any changes in me? Have you seen transformation on any level occurring in me? Have you only noticed a change through my postings? You do not need to answer publicly...but consider it in your times of quiet contemplation when you are in your own Garden of Solitude. You may use what I am sharing to help enhance your own journey...or you can simply observe another human Caterpillar emerge as a butterfly. I guarantee she is emerging...whether you have observed it or not.
It is SO hard to let Love come in...sometimes. Do any of you out there have automatic reactions to things? I do! I have these odd little "ticks" like, I giggle at inappropriately timed moments because perhaps a nerve has been touched! I become very "babble-y" and seem to have no sophistication of speech whatsoever, at moments when I truly do not know how to express an overflow of emotions...or perhaps I am afraid.
Keep sharing your heart. Share it with me and others, generously!
Be Blessed and Love everyone!
All around you.
Love is knocking...
Outside your door.
Waiting for you, is this love made just for two.
Keep it on and you'll find Love again, I know.
Tesla, Lovesong
There are many Love Stories out there. I enjoy most of them...whether personally told to me or seen in a movie or read in a book. I am a sucker for a great love story. I can glean many things from the various ones I have heard. I am no longer surprised at the common links between them. I can easily identify with one or more characters within any given love story. Can you? What has been your love story in life? I would very much like to hear it. Please leave me comments.
As for me, I am presently writing my Love Story. And someday, I will have written that love story. And people everywhere will be moved to tears as they read my Love story. I am exitting the saddest phase now...and entering into a deeper place of Self-Love and Self-Awareness and also of the awareness of real love. I am surrounded by it. I am the Love I wish to feel. I give the Love I wish to have returned to me. I adore the people and places and situations that comprise my life right now. Do you? Are you embracing your life or are you victimized by your life circumstances? If you are being the victim right now...it is not too late to change! Get positive! Read, "The Secret", by Rhonda Byrne...or better yet, get the video! Familiarize yourself with the Universal Law of Love and Attraction.
You will be amazed. the Law of Attraction should have its own Infomercial...seriously. When I see an Infomercial about a cool product, I get excited to go out and get that product because it will make my life easier, or better in some way. Well, that is exactly what the LoA will do. By design, it has no other purpose! I wonder what that infomercial would look like...How much would such a breakthrough cost a person? How about...it's free! You just have to pay the gatekeeper by way of REAL FAITH in the process. This is a high price to pay for miracles. But you want the miracle product, right? I do! I do! I really really, deep down in my heart and soul...I do want a miracle!
In some ways, this blog has had a certain element of cryptic knowledge...given by a woman who believes in Love but does not have Love, not yet. My point in creating this Blog was to allow my readers, myself and one day, my children...to observe the POWER that comes from Personal Transformation. Like our Lord Jesus, I had to allow myself to personally face the most painful, excruciating situation I could possibly imagine (for me, not so much physical pain as emotional), and to place my FAITH in the ultimate goodness of the Universal energy that ALWAYS comes to those who believe. Even in death, we can be saved.
This transformation takes time...have you personally seen changes? Those of you who know me..have you witnessed any changes in me? Have you seen transformation on any level occurring in me? Have you only noticed a change through my postings? You do not need to answer publicly...but consider it in your times of quiet contemplation when you are in your own Garden of Solitude. You may use what I am sharing to help enhance your own journey...or you can simply observe another human Caterpillar emerge as a butterfly. I guarantee she is emerging...whether you have observed it or not.

Many people have these kinds of idiosyncrocies. I used to feel easily embarrassed by this, but I have become accepting of myself...this is who I am right now. I can love this oddity about myself and I can change it with the power of the LoA. I can envision myself being very calm and able to control these reactions. Then I can clear the strange emotional fog that comes over me that causes these...and lastly, I can practice! You must put yourself in the situations and see if you are mastering the skills. In some things, you simply must apply some practical effort.
Even LOVE requires practice! Some of the people I Love the most in the world, have often not known I love them because I am so self-protecting and restrictive about my showing love and affection. I can come off as cold...or have in the past. No more of that! I embrace strangers now! I love everyone, as those of you who read my stuff often already know. I guess Zig Ziglar would be proud...and I may be the world's greatest Marketing Mavin or salesperson but just not have discovered it yet.
Keep sharing your heart. Share it with me and others, generously!
Be Blessed and Love everyone!
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